news at free will baptist
bible college
Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN, has been the official college of the Free Will Baptist Denomination since 1951. To find out more information about the school, visit their website at www.fwbbc.edu.

FWBBC Students Minister in New York City and Japan
NASHVILLE, TN—Twenty-nine Free Will Baptist Bible College students and staff members used their spring break to embrace urban and international outreach, according to Jeff Caudill, director of enrollment services. Team NYC (New York City) flew to the Big Apple on March 14 for an eight-day encounter. Team Japan (pictured above), boarded a plane March 11 for 14 days in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Team NYC leader Rachel Dennis (FWBBC enrollment counselor) said that ministering in New York City was one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. “It only took a short ride from JFK Airport to realize we were ‘not in Kansas anymore.’ Then we stopped watching the people and buildings from a distance, and we got involved.”
FWBBC students dressed in bright red smocks were posted at major intersections (pictured below) where they distributed salvation bracelets and prayed with the broken, the confused, and the desperate. Many stopped for prayer, asking students to pray that they would find jobs, that God would protect their children from the streets, that they could overcome addictions. More than 20 people came to know Christ, while hundreds heard a clear presentation of the gospel.

Heath Hubbard, Team Japan leader and FWBBC director of recruitment, said his group spent eight days in Hokkaido and three days in Tokyo, plunging into a success-driven culture with a high suicide rate. “We stayed in homes where people did not believe the Christian message, some who had never heard the name of Christ. It was a Salt and Light encounter as we practiced English with Japanese at the international center and watched a nation of 127 million people hurtling by in spiritual darkness.”
Team Japan invited guests to “Ebetsu Alive,” a Christian concert sponsored by a group of churches to attract individuals who would never attend church. Many who attended the concert were first-time hearers of the gospel. Students were told how few Christians were in Hokkaido and that all the believers could fit inside one of the thousand tall buildings in the city.
Team Japan members walked the streets praying for people, helped with snow removal, and assisted missionaries who were relocating to new areas for the betterment of the gospel. They saw numerous high-rise buildings in Tokyo with lights blazing at 7:00 p.m. as workers labored up in the night pushed by the pressure to succeed.
Rachel Dennis echoed the sentiments of both teams when she said, “God taught us to have compassion, to empathize with a culture so different from our own. He taught us to look past our own problems and to love one another in spite of our differences.”
Darla Trimble Named FWBBC Women’s Resident Director
NASHVILLE, TN—Mrs. Darla Trimble, a veteran pastor’s wife and mother with a certified nursing assistant degree, has been named women’s resident director at Free Will Baptist Bible College, according to Dr. Jon Forlines, vice president for student services and dean of students. She begins her new duties August 1.
Mrs. Susan Forlines, FWBBC’s dean of women, said, “I am so pleased to have Darla join the staff as women’s resident director. She brings a wealth of experience and insight from her years as a pastor’s wife. She understands young women and can offer practical advice on what they can expect both as dormitory students and as many of them prepare to serve among our churches when they leave FWBBC.”
Mrs. Trimble’s husband, Dr. Kevin Trimble, recently resigned his 10-year pastorate at Oak Grove Free Will Baptist Church in Greeneville, Tennessee, to enter the military as a Free Will Baptist chaplain. The Trimbles served churches 20 years in Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Darla grew up in a military home and was converted at age 17 in a Missouri youth camp.
She graduated from Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College in 1985 with an A.A. degree in Christian Education. In 1983, she completed an A.A. degree in Business Administration at another college. Their two children, Nathan and Rachel, are enrolled at FWBBC.
“I love working with girls and teens,” she said. “Youth ministry is my favorite.” As women’s resident director, Mrs. Trimble will live in an apartment in Polston Hall (the women’s dormitory) and provide direction for the young women.
FWBBC Students Elect 2009-2010 Officers
NASHVILLE, TN—The following five students at Free Will Baptist Bible College were elected to serve as 2009-2010 student body officers:
Kurston Ward, junior English major from Van Buren, Arkansas, was elected president. The vice president is junior Thomas Holloway, a Pastoral Ministry major from Albany, Georgia. Katie Duttine, a freshman History major from Sod, West Virginia, will serve as secretary-treasurer.

Freshman Zach Maloney, a Pastoral Ministry major from Morehead, Kentucky, was elected chaplain and will provide spiritual leadership for the student body. Junior Missions major Matt Munsey from Newport, Tennessee, will serve as worship leader.
PHOTO (L-R): Matt Munsey, Katie Duttine, Thomas Holloway, Kurston Ward, Zach Maloney.

College Introduces 2009 Graduates
All students at Free Will Baptist Bible College major in Biblical Studies, in addition to other majors, minors, or ministry emphases listed.
Associate of Science in Biology Degree
Kayla Kimberly Lynch
Joelton, Tennessee
Associate of Science in Business Degree
Christina Marie Peck
Carrollton, Virginia
Associate of Science in Early Childhood Degree
Lindsay Renee Conner
Brownstown, Michigan
Associate of Arts Degree
Sarah Reel Maloney
Carrollton, Virginia
Bachelor of Science Degrees
Jerry Clint Adams
River, Kentucky
General Christian Ministries
Daniel Russell Brown
Springfield, Missouri
Youth Ministry
Teddie Shaunell Collier***
Fair Grove, Missouri
Music /
Instrumental Performance
Brittany Lane Craft*
Pryor, Oklahoma
Church Music
Caleb Joseph Ferguson
Seffner, Florida
Exercise Science
Megan Tess Fisher**
Morehead City, North Carolina
Child Development and Learning /
Teacher Education Licensure
Jessica Dawn Folsom
Glennville, Georgia
English /
Teacher Education Licensure
Rebekah LeFay Forlines**
Nashville, Tennessee
Business Administration
Jessica Leigh Frady
Pikeville, Tennessee
Amanda Frances Fretter
Fairfield, California
Business Administration
Ashley Marie Gladson**
Franklin, Tennessee
Early Childhood Education /
Teacher Education Licensure
Matthew Hunter Goodwin
Gastonia, North Carolina
History /
Teacher Education Licensure
Allison Michelle Hall*
Rockingham, North Carolina
Early Childhood Education /
Teacher Education Licensure
Kristen Michelle Helms
Allen Park, Michigan
Business Administration
Robert Daniel Huard
Pleasant View, Tennessee
General Christian Ministries
Tiffany Ann Johnson***
Mayesville, South Carolina
Business Administration
Derek Nelson Lewis***
Cisne, Illinois
Business Administration
Lauren Elizabeth Mercer**
Tupelo, Mississippi
John Bryce Mims
Turbeville, South Carolina
Business Administration
Cynthia Denise Oakley
Durham, North Carolina
Early Childhood Education
Lindsey Brooke Parks***
Pleasant View, Tennessee
Child Development and Learning /
Teacher Education Licensure
Hannah Elizabeth Postlewaite*
Florence, South Carolina
English /
Teacher Education Licensure
Daniel Eugene Robinson
Indian Trail, North Carolina
Business Administration
Stephanie Reneè Swick*
New Boston, Michigan
Child Development and Learning /
Teacher Education Licensure
Mallory Layelle White*
Bristol, Virginia
Child Development and Learning /
Teacher Education Licensure
Leah Marie Jolly Williams
Glasgow, Kentucky
General Christian Ministries
Brandy Howell Winn***
Pulaski, Tennessee
Early Childhood Education /
Teacher Education Licensure
Bachelor of Arts Degrees
Ezra Paul Caynor
Rittman, Ohio
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Pastoral Training
Jacob Eli Conner***
Riner, Virginia
Paul Daniel Corn**
Ashland City, Tennessee
Benjamin Randal Corn
Ashland City, Tennessee
Joshua Lynn Davenport*
Bristol, Canada
Melanie Ann Hawkins***
Salem, Illinois
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Phillip James Kennedy
Mount Vernon, Illinois
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Cherith Brooke McGough*
Salado, Arkansas
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Chad Eric Mishler**
Edwardsville, Illinois
Kyle Matthew Saunders**
Wilson, North Carolina
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Youth Ministry
Emily Nicole Platt-Yeomans
Batesville, Arkansas
Biblical Ministry Studies /
Christian Education /
Christina Joy Zink
Belleville, Michigan
Daniel Michael Zink, Jr.
Canton, Michigan
*** Summa cum laude
** Magna cum laude
Cum laude