
news in fwb education
For more information about Free Will Baptist Bible College, please visit www.fwbbc.edu
Recent graduate, Terri Deel, can hardly contain her excitement following commencement exercises at Free Will Baptist Bible College. |

NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College president Matthew Pinson has announced that the college has hired Dr. Jack Williams to serve as Director of Communications.
Dr. Williams, a 1966 FWBBC graduate, served for 27 years as editor of CONTACT, the national Free Will Baptist magazine. He was also academic dean at California Christian College, Fresno, California, for eight years.
His duties at the Bible College will include responsibility for all print resources, including news releases and articles from the college for ONE, the new Free Will Baptist periodical that will be sent bimonthly to the denomination. Other responsibilities will include oversight of FWBBC’s website and serving as liaison with the press.
Dr. Williams says, "I consider it a signal honor to take my place as one of the deck hands on the denomination's flagship educational institution. Free Will Baptist Bible College trained me as a minister and journalist, gave me a beautiful wife and educated both my children. Now I'm eager to invest what I've learned through 45 years of ministry in the college that made it all possible."
Dr. Williams will serve part time through May and full time beginning in June.
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College hosted 153 visitors from 15 states for its spring Welcome Days, March 24-26, 2005, according to Ryan Lewis, Director of Recruitment.
The largest state contingent was 27 from Missouri. The most from any church was 11 from First FWB Church, Farmington, Missouri. In all, the visitors represented 66 churches.
Mr. Lewis says, “Welcome Days is a great time for prospective students to have fun with friends while at the same time getting a taste of the atmosphere they can experience at FWBBC. This spring’s Welcome Days featured many exciting experiences for students and exposed them to the importance and the benefits of a Christian education.”
The next FWBBC Welcome Days will be November 10-12, 2005. For information on attending or bringing a group, call (800) 76-FWBBC or email recruit@fwbbc.edu.
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College president Matthew Pinson recently published a biographical entry on pioneer Free Will Baptist missionary Laura Belle Barnard in the New Georgia Encyclopedia (NGE). NGE is a project of the Georgia Humanities Council in partnership with the Office of the Governor, the University of Georgia Press, and the University System of Georgia/GALILEO.
Miss Barnard was one of the first missionaries to be sent out by Free Will Baptists in modern times. In addition to her ministry in India, she served on the faculty of the college and inspired many young people to consider God’s call to missions.
Because of the generous support of their sponsors and partners in the public and private sectors, NGE is available online at newgeorgiaencyclopedia.org. Mr. Pinson’s entry on Free Will Baptists in Georgia is now available.
Bible College Teams Post Season Results

NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College’s Flames and Lady Flames basketball teams ended their 2004-05 seasons in February. The Flames posted an overall record of 13-15, while the Lady Flames record was 12-14.
The Flames beat Crown College in the first round of the regional tournament, but lost to top seed Cincinnati Christian University in the semi-final game. Flame Matt Dunlap was chosen for the 2nd All-Region Team, while Derrick Parker was picked for Honorable Mention.
The Lady Flames were defeated in the regional tournament championship game by Kentucky Christian University, placing second in the region. Lady Flame Emily Cobb was voted onto the All-Region first team, Rebekah Forlines onto the 2nd team, and Elizabeth Willhite was given Honorable Mention.
Michael Phillips coaches the Flames and the Lady Flames are coached by Nathan Willhite.

Bible College Team Visits Cuba
NASHVILLE, TN Ten students from Free Will Baptist Bible College, accompanied by veteran missionary and current missions teacher Ron Callaway, spent their spring break getting acquainted with and ministering to Christians in Cuba.
The group gave testimonies and preached in seven churches. Student Adam James said six people were saved in the services. “It is amazing to see how God is working in Cuba,” he added.
Mr. Callaway, who served for 27 years in Cuba, Spain, and Panama, said, “I was very proud of (the students) and proud to have been able to take them to Cuba and introduce them to their Cuban brothers and sisters.”