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bible college
Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN, has been the official college of the Free Will Baptist Denomination since 1951. To find out more information about the school, visit their website at www.fwbbc.edu.
Free Will Baptist College Enrolls 324 Students
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College enrolled 324 students from 25 states and two foreign countries for the 2007 fall semester, according to Dr. Greg Ketteman, Provost. While enrollment statistics indicate a robust student body, the numbers are lower than last fall’s 22-year high enrollment of 383.
Dr. Ketteman said, “We were so pleased to have a large graduating class last spring. At the same time, we recognized that graduating this large group would create challenges for us in terms of fall enrollment. The dip in enrollment is not unexpected. Numbers cannot communicate the quality of our students, and our incoming freshmen are blessed with a great deal of God-given talent and tremendous potential.”
At press time on September 19, the college reported 209 dormitory students, 64 commuter students, 24 Adult Degree Program students, and 27 Lifetime Learning students. Officials set the full-time student equivalency at 287. Ninety-eight students are enrolled in ministry-related fields.
By classes, the students include 79 seniors, 60 juniors, 72 sophomores, 80 freshmen, 32 non-degree/part-time students, and one special student. There are 164 women and 160 men in the student body.
Explaining why he expects final registration figures to rise, Dr. Ketteman said, “The Adult Degree Program includes two additional registrations in late September and early November. By the time all registrations close next spring and we get a final count, we anticipate registering close to 350 students for the 2007-2008 academic year.”
By states, students number:
Alabama - 10
Arkansas - 15
California - 2
Colorado - 1
Florida - 12
Georgia - 12
Idaho - 1
Illinois - 14
Indiana - 5
Kansas - 3
Kentucky - 7
Maryland - 1
Michigan - 15
Mississippi - 6
Missouri - 18
North Carolina - 46
Ohio - 9
Oklahoma - 1
Oregon - 2
South Carolina - 13
South Dakota - 1
Tennessee - 107
Texas - 4
Virginia - 15
West Virginia - 2
International - 2 (Canada, Mongolia)
President Matt Pinson said, “We’ve had a great beginning to a promising new academic year with change in the air. The students have brought energy and high expectations to the campus. We’re excited about relocation activities, about the new academic programs in pre-nursing and science. We’re also delighted with the response to our growing Online/Lifetime Learning program, as well as our Adult Studies Program.”
Here are three ways to contact Free Will Baptist Bible College for more information: Call
(800) 76-FWBBC, email recruit@fwbbc.edu, or visit the college’s website at www.FWBBC.edu.
FWBBC Sets Spring Welcome days
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College will host Spring Welcome Days on campus March 27-29, 2008, according to Jeff Caudill, director of enrollment services. Some 150 students, plus parents, pastors, and sponsors, are expected to attend the three-day event.
Mr. Caudill said, “This will be an eye-opening weekend for high school sophomores and juniors. They will get a chance to experience life on the college campus, meet teachers, attend classes, check out financial aid options, and get acquainted with some of the finest young people anywhere.”
The cost to attend Spring Welcome Days is $35. Students may register online at www.fwbbc.edu/welcomedays.
For more information, call (800) 76-FWBBC or email recruit@fwbbc.edu.
Phillips Completes Doctorate
NASHVILLE, TN Mike Phillips, director and athletic director at Free Will Baptist Bible College, completed requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree at Middle Tennessee State University in October 2007. The degree will be awarded during graduation ceremonies December 15.
Provost Greg Ketteman said, “We are so pleased for Dr. Phillips and his family. He has worked hard
to complete his doctoral studies, while at the same time maintaining his teaching duties at FWBBC, his home responsibilities, and his local church involvement. Mike is such an encouragement and example to our students.”
Dr. Phillips’ degree is in Health and Human Performance with concentrations in Physical Education and Sport Management.The 60-hour Ph.D. degree program included a dissertation titled “Student-
Athletes’ Perception of Head Men’s Basketball Coaching Competencies at 15 Selected NCC AA Division II Christian Colleges.”
Mike has been a member of the FWBBC faculty since 2002. He is a member of Donelson Free Will Baptist Church in Nashville where he serves on the Global Outreach Committee.
“My major concern now,” Dr. Phillips said, “will be oversight of the Exercise Science Department at FWBBC and strengthening athletics in general at the college.”