
news in fwb education
For more information about Free Will Baptist Bible College, please visit www.fwbbc.edu |
NASHVILLE, TN Members of Horton Heights Free Will Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, following a decline in attendance to the point that the church could no longer sustain itself, have voted to turn the property over to the Free Will Baptist Foundation.
The sale of the property, approximately 3 acres, will fund an endowment benefiting Free Will Baptist Bible College. The gift will fund a chair for its Missions Department, yielding a five percent return to the college annually to train students preparing for missionary service.

FWBBC president Matthew Pinson said, “Horton Heights Church has played a strong and integral role in the ministry of Free Will Baptist Bible College for decades. This gift will allow the church to continue its support of the college and Free Will Baptist International Missions, thus leaving a Free Will Baptist legacy for the kingdom of God that will continue until our Lord’s return.”
Free Will Baptist Bible College Plans Summer Camp
NASHVILLE, TN Summer Camp 2005 will be held at Free Will Baptist Bible College, Nashville, Tennessee, June 19-24.
The camp encompasses five areas: Preaching, Music, Drama, Basketball, and Leadership. Campers may choose the emphasis that best fits their needs.
Cost is $195. Applications received by June 13 will earn a $10 discount.
For an informative brochure, call 1.800.76.FWBBC or email recruit@fwbbc.edu.
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College students set out to raise $10,000 over the course of a year to help build a church in Tajikistan—but reached their goal in four months!

The college’s Global Missions Fellowship (GMF) adopted the project in October of 2004. John Murray, FWBBC’s Christian Service Director, spearheaded the drive and presented it to the student body in hopes of raising the total by the end of the school year. However, students, faculty, and staff, with the help of others, completed it before the end of January 2005.
The money, to be matched by Russia’s Central Baptist Union, will help to build a church in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Tajikistan is the poorest of the former Russian republics. Bordering on Afghanistan, it is nearly 90 percent Muslim with a population of about 7 million.
James Forlines, General Director of International Missions, says, “It is incredible for Bible College students to have raised this much money in such a short time. Years after their college days are over, there will be a church in Tajikistan making an impact for the Kingdom.” He added, “This truly is a God-honoring legacy for these students.”

College Appoints New Director of Enrollment Services
NASHVILLE, TN Jeff Caudill has been named Director of Enrollment Services at FWBBC. As such, he will oversee the areas of financial aid and student recruitment and retention. He has served with distinction in both fields. Assisting him as Director of Recruitment is Ryan Lewis, a senior from Cisne, Illinois. Ryan has traveled with college ministry teams and played basketball as a member of the FWBBC Flames.
Ryan Lewis Named FWBBC Recruitment Director
NASHVILLE, TN Senior exercise science major Ryan Lewis has been selected as Free Will Baptist Bible College’s Director of Recruitment, according to Jeff Caudill.
Mr. Caudill, Director of Enrollment Services, says, “Ryan has been and will continue to be a tremendous asset to FWBBC.” He adds, “He has an exceptional work ethic and a deep love for the college. I look forward to working together with him as we continue to enroll more and more students. It is such a blessing to work with people of Ryan’s caliber.”

Ryan, a native of Cisne, Illinois, worked last year with the college’s recruitment phone bank. In August, he joined the enrollment management team full time. He has traveled with the New Mercy and Rejoice ministry teams and has played baseball and basketball with the FWBBC Flames. He finished his class work in December and will graduate in May with the class of 2005.
He says, “FWBBC has made a tremendous impact on my life. As I see the direction it is headed, I am excited and want to be a part of its continuing ministry in advancing the kingdom.”

Commencement Plans Announced
NASHVILLE, TN Rev. Edwin Hayes and Rev. Keith Burden are scheduled to bring challenges to Free Will Baptist Bible College’s 2005 graduating class in May. Rev. Hayes, Executive Director of Ohio Free Will Baptists, will bring the baccalaureate message on Thursday evening, May 5. Rev. Burden, Executive Secretary of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, will bring the final charge to graduates at commencement exercises on Friday morning, May 6.