March 2020
Eternal Investment
news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

2019 Leadership Conference "Turns the Page"
Nashville, TN—More than 150 pastors, church leaders, and denominational leaders from 24 states, Canada, Spain, and West Africa gathered at Nashville Airport Marriott Hotel Monday and Tuesday, December 9-10, to explore the theme, “Turning the Page.”

On Monday evening, former Executive Secretary Keith Burden spoke from Joshua 3:1-6 and the moment when the nation of Israel “turned the page” into Joshua’s leadership following Moses’ death. He pointed out two important elements of leadership—perspective and priorities—before identifying three practical, biblical steps to turn the page:
sanctify ourselves, step forward, and stand firm. “Free Will Baptists can no longer afford to live in the past,” Burden told listeners. “We must find the confidence and courage we need to step forward and realize our full potential.”
Dr. Gordon Penfold presented three seminars Tuesday morning to help struggling churches “turn the page” toward good health: The State of the Church in America, Leading Change While Preventing Church Splits, and Vision Basics. The director of Turnaround Pastor, an organization that encourages and equips struggling pastors, Dr. Penfold has served four churches and two interim pastorates over 37 years and recently stepped down as lead pastor of First Baptist Church, a multi-ethnic congregation in Holyoke, Colorado.
Tuesday evening, Dr. Eddie Moody used the life of Hezekiah as an example, encouraging listeners to confront difficult times by working together to identify and seize the opportunities God gives us. “In these days when it may seem the denomination is facing impossible challenges,” Moody concluded, “it is important for us to remember we can do more together, to provide training and resources to equip our pastors and people, and to understand that Jesus Christ has promised to build His Church!”
In addition to excellent preaching and teaching, the two-day conference gave attendees time to renew friendships during banquet-style meals and extended breaks. Welch College provided congregational and special music for evening services, featuring the 35-voice College Choir and the Rejoice! ministry team. Free time on Tuesday allowed for sightseeing in Nashville and time for several national boards and committees to meet.
“As our denomination continues a transitional phase,” noted conference director Ryan Lewis, “we must be encouraged to remain unified, working together to equip strong pastors and churches that will push us forward in the work of the Kingdom. That is what the 2019 Leadership Conference was all about.”
For more information regarding the 2020 Leadership Conference, visit www.nafwb.org/leadership.
Theological Symposium Meets at Welch College
Gallatin, TN—Free Will Baptists and friends gathered October 28-29, 2019, at Welch College for the Theological Symposium sponsored by the Commission for Theological Integrity. In his opening remarks, chairman Matthew Pinson explained, “Theology is a way to bring God’s account of reality to bear on all of life.”

Pastors, teachers, and denominational leaders focused on the truth of Pinson’s statement in relation specifically to the symposium theme: the church. Presenters considered this topic from various perspectives, including biblical studies, cultural analysis, denominationalism, missiology, systematic theology, and more:
Danny Dwyer, “Paul’s Address to the Ephesian Elders: The Ministry Ethos of the Apostle Paul as a Model for Pastoral Leadership.”
Thomas L. Marberry, “The Eschatology of Luke”
Jeffrey L. Cockrell, “Showing the Good God to Pagans: A Contextual Understanding of Paul’s Apologia in Acts 17”
Edward E. Moody, Jr., “Denominations and Denominationalism: Is there a Future in a Changing Culture?”
W. Jackson Watts, “Cultural Analysis and the Dynamics of Leading Change in the Church”
Matthew Steven Bracey, “Conservatism and the Church”
Robert E. Picirilli, “The Infinite, Immutable God, Creation, and the Real, Changing World”
Christopher Talbot, “Toward a Confessional-Practical Theology”
Ron Davis, “The Church as Embassy: An Ecclesiology for the Modern World”
J. Matthew Pinson, “Do We Need to Keep Having Associations?”
Each presenter offered rich reflections on the roles of the pastor, the church, and believers.
The Commission is composed of Kevin Hester (secretary), Rodney Holloman, Thomas Marberry, Matthew Pinson (chairman), and W. Jackson Watts. Regrettably, Mr. Holloman was unable to attend due to health challenges; the Commission encourages readers keep him in their prayers.
The Commission is grateful to all who attended the symposium or watched the livestream. Those who missed it may watch the presentations at the Commission’s Facebook page. In addition, those interested in the Symposium paper digest may order it by visiting fwbtheology.com/shop. The latest edition of Integrity is also now available through state promotional directors. The Commission has scheduled the next symposium
for October 5-6, 2020, at Welch College. Email your ideas or questions about the Symposium or
other Commission resources to
fwbtheology@gmail.com. |