March 2019
news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

2018 Leadership Conference Focuses on Effective Communication
Nashville, TN—The 2018 Free Will Baptist Leadership Conference brought pastors and church leaders from 25 states, Canada, and Japan to Nashville Airport Marriott Hotel December 3-4, to explore effective communication from pulpit to print to digital. “Communication is changing, many times at a pace impossible to match,” said conference planner Ryan Lewis. Read the full report.
Randall University Seeks New President
Moore, OK—Dr. Timothy Eaton (pictured below), who is in his 30th year at Randall University and 15th year as president, has requested the Board of Trustees to seek a new president/CEO to assume day-to-day operations of Randall University.
To plan for an orderly succession, the Trustees have appointed a Presidential Search Committee. The Randall University Trustees have established a secure email to allow persons to provide nominations and for applicants to submit a letter of interest with accompanying resumé. It is required that each applicant’s letter of interest and resumé be saved in PDF format and sent to: presidentialsearch@ru.edu.

All applications received will be acknowledged and persons selected for interviews contacted by university counsel in order to maintain confidentiality.
President Eaton has agreed to serve until a suitable successor is chosen. Furthermore, following the hiring of a president, Dr. Eaton has agreed to serve as the Randall University chancellor with focus on estate planning, public relations, and teaching. As an alumnus, he has further expressed his goal to write the history of Randall University. Professionally, Dr. Eaton will continue to serve in higher education accreditation as President of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS).
Theological Symposium Convenes at Randall, University
Moore, OK—The Commission for Theological Integrity hosted the annual Theological Symposium October 22-23, 2018, at Randall University in Moore, Oklahoma. Approximately 350 church leaders and laymen attended the event, in addition to more than 500 online viewers. Paper topics included the subjects of creation, church ministry, education, hymnody, marriage, missions, perseverance, and wisdom. In order of appearance, presenters ranged from church pastors to college professors to seminary students:
Jeff Blair: Cultivating a Culture of Wisdom in the Local Church
Christopher Talbot: Practicing Theology in Youth Ministry
Cory Thompson: The Lord’s Supper as Meaningful and Open
Thomas Marberry: The Lucan Concept of Perseverance
Matthew Steven Bracey: The Institutional Good of Marriage, the Family, and Society
Phillip Morgan: Thomism to Augustinianism: Free Will Baptist Bible College and the Hybrid Christian Education Model
Derek Cominskie: Was This What Watts Would Have Wanted? An Analysis of Isaac Watts’s Rationale and Method for Reforming English
Metrical Psalmody with Application for Contemporary Trends
Matthew McAffee: Creation and the Role of Wisdom in Proverbs 8: What Can We Learn?
Ronald Callaway: Post Tenebras Lux
Numerous attendees remarked on the quality of research and diversity of topics represented in the presentations. One remarked, “This is the highest caliber of papers I’ve heard at a symposium in a really long time—perhaps ever.” Those interested may purchase a digest, as well as previous issues of Integrity, by visiting www.fwbtheology.com/shop. Other inquiries may be sent to fwbtheology@gmail.com.
Next year’s symposium is scheduled for October 28-29, 2019, on the Welch College campus in Gallatin, Tennessee. The theme is “The Doctrine of the Church.”
Foundation Grant Program Update
Antioch, TN—Free Will Baptist Foundation is pleased to announce the grants program will continue in 2019. “In spite of recent fluctuations in the market, the program will be available again this year,” said Director David Brown. “As always, availability of grant funding is dependent on strong market returns.”
Brown encouraged Free Will Baptist organizations to begin preparing their grant requests in order to meet the March 15 deadline.
The Foundation will again award $500,000 in 2019. Grants will be awarded during the Foundation board meeting in April. For information regarding grant applications, contact the Foundation office at 877-336-7575, email foundation@nafwb.org, or visit fwbgifts.org. |