ANTIOCH, TN Women Nationally Active for Christ announces its 2006 national project. Christmas Joy for Central Asia will supply Christmas gift boxes for needy children in the far eastern region of the former Soviet Union. Each box will contain a children’s Bible, t-shirt, warm socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, pencils and notebook, instant chocolate drink, fruit tea, cookies, chocolate and other candies, and a stuffed animal. The cost for each box is only $15.
WNAC is currently accepting money donations for this project, hoping to supply 5,000 boxes for Central Asian children living in orphanages or on the streets and those with special needs. Send funds designated CA Christmas Joy to WNAC, PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37011-5002. One hundred percent of the money received will benefit Central Asian children.
WNAC is also recruiting volunteers who will travel to Central Asia in January 2007 to assemble and actually distribute the boxes onsite. Persons interested in going to Central Asia should email: or call (877) 767-7662 for more information.
ANTIOCH, TN The Free Will Baptist Foundation delivered more than $264,000 in endowment earnings to various Free Will Baptist ministries in 2005. The gifts came from endowment funds managed by the Foundation, according to William Evans, director.
For the year 2005 earnings were delivered to the following ministries:
State and Local Ministries....................$137,764.57
International Missions............................46,156.69
FWB Family Ministries...........................30,345.46
Free Will Baptist Bible College.................16,100.88
Home Missions......................................7,702.29
Master’s Men.........................................6,572.31
Board of Retirement...............................6,326.28
California Christian College.......................3,542.06
The Together Way..................................3,264.73
Hillsdale FWB College..............................2,697.05
Seminary of the Cross.............................1,091.21
ONE Magazine........................................1,078.68
International Fellowship of FWB....................586.26
FWB Foundation........................................272.69
National Commissions.................................116.15
Total...............................................$ 264,594.86
Endowments are permanent gifts invested so that income is available for ministry. The gifts continue to provide income year after year. The Foundation manages gifts for every national agency and will accept gifts to these endowments in any amount. Over the last ten years, the Foundation has delivered over $1 Million to denominational ministries.
For more information about endowments, please contact the Foundation at (877) 336-7575 or by email at

TULSA, OK U.S. Naval Reserve Captain, Dennis Skaggs, of McAlester, OK, was awarded the Bronze Star on December 10, 2005, during a drill held at the Naval Operation Support Center in Tulsa. Skaggs accepted the medal in memory of his 13-year-old son who died in an accident while Dennis was deployed. Skaggs spent five months in Iraq supervising two dozen medical facilities. He was in the Fulujah Battle and also served during the Iraqi National election.
Skaggs is quoted in the Daily Oklahoman, “I am humbled by the Bronze Star because of the corpsmen, medical officers and nurse corps officers on whose shoulders I stood to attain the award. I am grateful for their efforts.” As a civilian, Dennis works as an emergency room doctor at the McAlester Regional Health Center.
BIRMINGHAM, AL Bible and fine arts judges are needed for the 2006 National Youth Conference in Birmingham, AL. The conference, which meets in conjunction with the National Association of Free Will Baptists, will be attended by thousands of Free Will Baptist young people, and many are involved in the annual competitive activities.

Qualified judges are urged to visit to fill out an online judges registration form. For more information about the National Youth Conference, contact the conference sponsor, Randall House Publications, at (800) 877-7030.