November 2016
Moving Forward
news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

St. Croix School Honors Outgoing Administrator
St. Croix, USVI—The Free Will Baptist School in the U.S. Virgin Islands recently expressed their appreciation to Stephen Beck and his family (pictured below) for nine years of service. Stephen served as principal, while Rejyna served as both high school Spanish teacher and sixth grade elementary teacher. Their five children grew up on the island and attended the school.
“The Becks have been instrumental in seeing this ministry thrive,” said Michael Cross, assistant administrator. “Their family will be greatly missed, and they always will be considered part of our island family. We pray for God’s blessing and a smooth transition as they relocate to Nashville, Tennessee.”

An ordained minister and the grandson of Welch College’s founding president L. C. Johnson, Beck also served as associate pastor of the Free Will Baptist church in St. Croix, and associate home missionary with North American Ministries. In addition to administrative and pastoral work at the school, he coached championship soccer and cross-country teams.
Beck recently accepted a teaching position on the faculty of Welch College in Nashville, Tennessee, where he will eventually chair the Teacher Education Department.
Founded under Larry Powell in 1971, Free Will Baptist Christian School has a long history of educating and evangelizing students on St. Croix. With a mixture of local and stateside teachers and staff, the school instructs students from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The student body represents the island well with a mix of cultures and religions from the Caribbean, the Middle East, South America, and more.
“Many students come to us for a superb education,” Cross notes. “They know very little about our perfect God. This is our mission field. They gather on our property every day, sit in our classrooms, assemble in our sanctuary for weekly chapel, and receive the love of Jesus through our dedicated teachers and staff.”
Cross encourages Free Will Baptists to become a bigger part of this ministry though prayer and financial support and by applying for positions available: teachers, school administrators, IT technicians, and maintenance personnel. For more information, email Mike Cross: mcross@freewillschool.com or by submitting a paper resume to:
FWBCS, ICO Mike Cross
135 Sion Hill,
Christiansted, VI 00820.
Free Will Baptist Doctrinal Books Released in Spanish
Randall House is pleased to announce the release of two newly translated book titles in Spanish, thanks to the generosity of Free Will Baptist Foundation. Grace, Faith, Free Will by Robert E. Picirilli and Free Will Baptist Doctrines by J.D. O’Donnell are the titles selected for translation.
These important doctrinal works for Free Will Baptists will now be available to Spanish-speakers around the world. To order, call Randall House (800) 877-7030 or visit www.RandallHouse.com.
2017 Nominees Requested
Antioch, TN—The 2017 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Louisville, Kentucky, is prepared to receive nominees for the 2017 convention election, according to Danny Williams (AL), committee chairman.
The committee will meet December 6, 2016, at the annual Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, to consider nominations and to compile a report with a single nominee for each position to be filled. The report will be presented to delegates at the 2017 convention.
The following board and commission positions will be filled in 2017: Home Missions/North American Ministries (3), Board of Retirement (3), Free Will Baptist Foundation (3), Commission for Theological Integrity (1) Historical Commission (1), Media Commission (1), Music Commission (1), General Board (11), Executive Committee (3), and General Officers (4). The following boards do not elect members in 2017: International Missions, Randall House Publications, Welch College, and WNAC.
Nominations, accompanied by a brief resume, must be submitted in writing exclusively to the chairman on or before November 30. Contact Chairman Danny Williams:
Nominating Committee, Danny Williams
107 Stratford Ln,
Winfield, AL 35594
Phone: 205-412-0296
Email: djwill61@yahoo.com