October-November 2015
The Road Ahead
news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

2015 Leadership Conference Promotes Church Revitalization
Antioch, Tennessee—The 2015 Free Will Baptist Leadership Conference will return to Nashville Marriott Airport Hotel December 7-8. Pastors and church leaders across the denomination will explore the theme, “Rekindle,” and the important topic of church revitalization.
Dr. Harry Reeder, senior pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, will be the keynote speaker for the conference. Dr. Reeder is passionate about church revitalization. He authored From Embers to a Flame: How God Can Revitalize Your Church and is founder of Embers to Flame conferences dedicated to church renewal. He has led conferences around the world including South Africa, Kenya, Australia, Uganda, and South Korea, in addition to the United States.

“Church vitality or revitalization is nothing more than following God’s prescription for church health,” Reeder noted. “Church health naturally leads to conversions and improved personal discipleship, for our good and God’s glory. If a body is healthy, it will grow appropriately. So our focus is on the spiritual vitality of the church knowing that a healthy church will grow.”
The meeting will feature more than keynote sessions, however, with plenty of time for renewing friendships during banquet-styled meals. Each service will feature music provided by Welch College, and a number of national boards will meet in conjunction with the conference.
This is a great opportunity for pastors and leaders to be refreshed and renewed while exploring a subject that is vital for our movement,” said Ryan Lewis, conference director. “We are pleased to have Dr. Reeder as keynote speaker, and we look forward to learning from this man who has dedicated his life to revitalizing churches.
Executive Committee Forms Local Association Revitalization Committee
Grand Rapids, Michigan—During its semi-annual board meeting, the Executive Committee of the National Association formed a committee to promote revitalization within local associations and quarterly meetings.
The group will meet in November to formulate options for revitalization, and to explore best associational practices. Committee members include William Smith (GA); David Shores (IL); and Daniel Edwards (IN). Questions, concerns, and suggestions should be addressed to Daniel Edwards: pastordaniel@faithinchandler.com.
Randall House Director Published in Two Books
Antioch, TN—Ron Hunter, executive director of Randall House and co-founder of the D6 Conference, releases two new books this fall. Hunter has served as executive director of Randall House since 2002, and has published four books, written over 50 magazine articles for various magazines, plus writes the Leader Profile column for ONE Magazine.
The DNA of D6: Building Blocks of Generational Discipleship reflects on the journey of D6 from Genesis to current culture. Ron begins the book by sharing vital philosophy necessary to understand before a leader can move to a healthy strategy. He also shares important principles that lead to implementation. Published by Randall House, this book is an ideal resource, both for ministry leaders just starting in family ministry and those with an established program needing refinement.

Hunter remarked, “Most churches spend their time and effort on what happens at church rather than equipping parents and grandparents to live out the message each day at home.” Chapters include: 1/168: Flawed Fraction or Ministry Multiplier, The One-Eared Mickey Mouse, The Senior Pastor Complex, and Staffing for a D6 Church. The final chapter, Changing the Way People Think, offers a unique look at leadership in the context of changing a church’s culture.
Youth Ministry in 21st Century: Five Views (Youth, Family, and Culture) provides an up-to-date look at philosophical approaches to youth ministry. Written in an essay/response format, Ron addresses “The D6 Approach to Youth Ministry.” Chad Clark, Greg Stier, Fernando Arzola, and Brian Cosby offer alternate views. Edited by Chap Clark and published by Baker Academic, Youth Ministry in 21st Century will be used as a textbook by university and seminary students across North America.
Purchase these books and other resources from Randall House at www.RandallHouse.com.
2016 Nominees Requested
ANTIOCH, TN—The 2016 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Kansas City, Missouri, is prepared to receive nominees for the 2016 convention election, according to Joel Franks (KY), committee chairman.
The committee will meet December 8, 2015, at the annual Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, to consider nominations and to compile a report with a single nomination for each position to be filled. The report will be presented to delegates at the 2016 convention.
The following board and commission positions will be filled in 2016: Welch College (3), International Missions (3), Randall House Publications (3), Women Nationally Active for Christ (3), Commission for Theological Integrity (1), Historical Commission (1), Music Commission (1), Media Commission (1), General Board (12), Executive Committee (3), and General Officers (4).
The following boards do not elect members in 2016: Home Missions (North American Ministries), Board of Retirement, and Free Will Baptist Foundation.
Nominations, accompanied by a brief resume, must be submitted in writing exclusively to the chairman on or before November 30. Contact Chairman Joel Franks:
Nominating Committee
Joel Franks
559 Coon Creek Road,
Glasgow, KY 42141