January 2012
Dare to Disciple
news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
Executive Committee Adopts a Motion Regarding Racism
Nashville, TN—The Executive Committee of the National Association of Free Will Baptists met December 7, 2011, in its regular semi-annual meeting. The committee took the following action:
"Motion passed that we reaffirm the resolution deploring all forms of racism that was adopted at our 1995 convention and that we support the official statement issued by the National Association of Free Will Baptists Executive Office. Further, we recommend the Bible study, Racism, the Bible and the Church, published by Randall House Publications."
The resolution mentioned is as follows:
1995 Resolutions Committee Report
Resolution #2—Resolution Concerning Racism
Whereas, all people are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and,
Whereas, all people have descended through "one blood" from Adam (Acts 17:26) and,
Whereas, God desired for all people to be saved (2 Peter 3:9),
Be it resolved that the National Association of Free Will Baptists do hereby condemn racism in any form and do pledge to proclaim the Gospel freely to all men of every race.
This motion was adopted unanimously by the Executive Committee and will be referred to the 2012 convention for its approval.
FWB Executive Office Statement Regarding Interracial Couples
Antioch, TN—Recently, the action of a Free Will Baptist church in the state of Kentucky raised questions regarding the position of the National Association of Free Will Baptists on interracial couples. This statement is intended to bring clarity to the subject.
The National Association of Free Will Baptists does not have an official policy regarding interracial couples because it has not been an issue in the denomination. The Free Will Baptist Treatise neither condemns nor disallows marriage between a man and woman of different races.
Free Will Baptists have historically championed the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of race. The denomination’s leadership in the abolition movement is evidence of that fact. Free Will Baptists currently spend millions of dollars each year to take the good news of Jesus Christ to people of every race.
Many interracial couples are members of Free Will Baptist churches. They are loved, accepted, and respected by their congregations. It is unfair and inaccurate to characterize the denomination as racist.
It is our understanding that steps are being taken by the church in question to reverse its decision. We encourage the church to follow through with this action. Leaders from the local conference and state association in Kentucky are working with the church to resolve this matter.
Contact Executive Secretary Keith Burden: keith@nafwb.org
Hillsdale College Hosts 2011 Theological Symposium
Moore, OK—The 2011 Theological Symposium met October 17-18 on the campus of Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College in Moore, Oklahoma. The symposium, an annual event sponsored by the Commission for Theological Integrity, features papers on pertinent theological issues read by their authors. Each presentation is followed by lively discussion regarding the issues presented.
This year’s program featured nine papers, four on specific areas of Jonathan Edwards’s theology: sin and depravity, atonement and justification, perseverance, and divine foreknowledge and human freedom. The Commission plans to publish the papers in a book.
Theological Symposium Presenters and Papers
Matthew Bracey: “Christianity and the Philosophical and Religious Influences on America’s Founding”
Timothy Eaton: “The Rise of Spirituality and Christian Higher Education”
Leroy Forlines: “Let’s Preach the Essentials of the Gospel”
Paul Harrison: “Sin and Depravity in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards”
Kevin Hester: “The Atonement and Justification in Jonathan Edwards’s Theology”
Ryan Johnston: “Church Growth and the Sufficiency of Scripture”
Matthew McAffee: “Jonathan Edwards’s Doctrine of Perseverance”
Robert Picirilli: “Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards”
Matthew Pinson: “Musings on Church Elders”
To find out more about the forthcoming book, contact Leroy Forlines: leroyf@fwbbc.edu or Matt Pinson: president@fwbbc.edu.
Integrity Theological Journals Available for Purchase
Antioch, TN—The Commission for Theological Integrity has back issues of the Integrity Theological Journal (volumes 2 through 5) and would like to make these available to pastors for $6 each (including postage). If you would like to purchase the journals, please send a check payable to the Commission and indicate which volume(s) you want.
Mail payment to:
National Association of Free Will Baptists
5233 Mt. View Road
Antioch, TN 37013-2306
Attention: Melody Hood