Ronald Creech Dies
NASHVILLE, TN Ronald Creech (76), who served 16 years as director of development at Free Will Baptist Bible College, died August 16, 2005, after 54 years in the ministry. Creech came to the college in November 1977 from North Carolina after 11 years as state promotional director.
He began his life-long relationship with the college in 1948 when he enrolled as a student. He earned his high school diploma (GED) at the college after being tutored by Laura J. (Mrs. Charles) Thigpen and graduated with a B.A. degree in 1952. He was ordained to preach in the college’s Memorial Auditorium in 1951 and married there in 1952 on the same name night he graduated. His funeral was conducted in Memorial Auditorium on August 18.
Longtime friend and FWBBC colleague F. Leroy Forlines said in his eulogy, “Ronald was one of the most unforgettable persons you would ever hope to know. He knew how to meet people and got along with them well. He was steadfast and a good fund raiser, but he would not run in times of controversy.”
Reverend Creech pastored 14 years in North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina prior to his tenure as North Carolina’s promotional director.
Brother Creech is survived by Mary Belle, his wife of 53 years, five children (four daughters and one son), 10 grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters. Eldest daughter, Ruth (Mrs. Jim) Mullen spoke to the gathered friends on behalf of the family about her father’s life and influence.

(Back) Dr. J.D. O’Donnell, Dr. Stephen Ashby, President Timothy W. Eaton, Dr. Craig Shaw, Dr. Edwin Wade
(Front) Shelby Greeson, Cody Freeman
MOORE, OK Friday May 13th, 2005 was a historic day for Hillsdale. Cody Freemon (MO), Shelby Greeson (OK), and Cody Williams (AR, not pictured) were the first students to graduate from Hillsdale with a Master of Arts degree in Ministry. This is an exciting time for Hillsdale as we continue to fulfill the college motto Service to Christ, the Church, and the Community. Along with our Masters graduates, twenty-one students graduated with their Baccalaureate Degrees and eight with their Associate in Arts Degrees.
If you would like more information on our Masters Degree program please contact Dr. Stephen Ashby at (405) 912-9475 or For information about other programs of study please contact our recruitment department at (405) 912-9007 or
FRESNO, CA New records were set when more than on hundred people attended the fourth regional Master’s Men’s rally in Fresno, CA.
More than one hundred people attended the meeting on June 10-11. Bro. David Crowe, director of church growth for the National Home Missions Department, and Cliff Donoho, Master’s Men Board chairman, were the featured speakers.
Those attending the rally were not only fed spiritually but physically as well. Master’s Men from Harmony Free Will Baptist Church in Fresno provided dinner on Friday night and meals on Saturday as well. After Saturday’s lunch, twenty men gathered for a seminar on the subject Mentoring Men presented by Master’s Men General Director Kenneth Akers. Following the session, the men shared what they are doing to promote men’s ministry in their local churches.
The Master’s Men Department would like to thank those involved in putting the details of the rally together: The men and women of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church in Fresno, CA; California Christian College for sharing their beautiful campus; and everyone who attended the rally.
The next Master’s Men regional rally will be held September 30 - October 1, 2005 in Woodhaven MI.
NASHVILLE, TN Team Church provides seminars with five different training tracks;
Preschool, Children, Teen, Adult, and Pastor/Administration. Each track contains four seminars on topics designed to help volunteers become more proficient teachers.
Several upcoming Team Church events have been scheduled already. Check the list below and begin to make plans now to attend.
Florence, South Carolina October 1, 2005
Spartanburg, South Carolina
October 15, 2005
Tupelo, Mississippi October 22, 2005
Kingsport, Tennessee
October 29, 2005
Missouri April 8, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee (Mid-Tenn)
April 22, 2006
Canada April 22, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
May 20, 2006
ANTIOCH, TN The Money Management Trust rate was raised to 4.5% for the period July 1-December 31, 2005 by the Free Will Baptist Foundation. The rate is set for six months to reflect the market interest rate.
These trusts are available to Free Will Baptist churches, organizations, and individuals (individual trusts require certain restrictions). Although the Foundation does not offer FDIC insurance, all funds are invested in AAA rated government backed securities and work very much like money market accounts. Additional deposits in any amount may be made at any time earning the stated rate.
Withdrawals may be made without penalty, however the Foundation may require seven days for withdrawals up to $50,000. Larger withdrawals may take between 30 and 45 days.
More information can be obtained by calling toll free (877) 336-7575 or email at
As early summer spreads its warmth across the nation, many state associations hold their annual meetings. The meetings are filled with inspiring services, ground breaking decisions, and memorable moments like the ones listed below:

California (May 12-14)
Fresno, CA
Theme: Strengthening the Stakes
Moderator Millard Sasser re-elected to a 5th term
Retired pastor Doice McAllister recognized for his decades of service
2006 meeting May 11-13 at California Christian College, Fresno, CA
Missouri (June 6-8)
West Plains, MO
432 in attendance
Theme: Our Magnificent God
Moderator Jim Williams re-elected
Christian education seminar by Rev. Ron Owens
Alumni dinners sponsored by both FWB Bible College and Hillsdale FWB College
$630,000 state budget approved
Tri-County Association accepted into the MO State Association
Ken Goff honored with a $2,000 love offering for 15 years of service to Camp Niagua
2006 meeting June 5-7 at Clarion Hotel in Springfield, MO
Kentucky (June 17-18) Pikeville, KY
Moderator James Price elected
2006 meeting June 16-17 at Brush Creek FWB, Ashland, KY
Ohio (June 24-25)
Gahanna, OH
400 in attendance
Theme: Love-The Mark of New Testament Christianity
Moderator Robert Pritchard re-elected to a 12th term
$597,820 state budget approved
Special program for youth featuring Neil Gilliam???
2006 meeting June 23-24 at Heritage FWB in Columbus, OH
Texas (June 8-10)
Duncanville, TX
Moderator Keith Woody re-elected to an 8th term
Lunch sponsored by the Texas Youth Conference
$171,150 state budget approved
Recognized Bobby Ferguson (Houston) for 50 years of faithful service to Texas Free Will Baptists
2006 meeting June 7-9 at Primera Iglesia Bautista Libre in Weslaco
Virginia (June 16-17)
Kingsport, TN
Theme: Committed to the Commission
Moderator Hal Jones elected
$15,250 state budget approved
Rev. Walter Statzer honored for a 50-year ministry
Rev. Eddie Sturgill honored for 47 years in ministry
2006 meeting June 15-16 at Good News FWB in Richmond, VA