news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
Free Will Baptists Provide Disaster Relief Across the South
Antioch, TN—The Master’s Men Department continues to coordinate disaster relief after a wave of deadly storms ripped through the southern states of Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia on Wednesday, April 27. Hail, wind, and torrential rains left behind widespread damage, including severe flooding in many affected areas. Cleanup efforts will be ongoing for months.
Free Will Baptists have been active in relief efforts. The Mississippi Disaster Response Team continues to provide support to the hard hit area of Smithville through volunteer work and donations of household cleaning items. Free Will Baptist volunteers have traveled from as far away as Illinois to assist in the efforts. Visit www.msfwb.org for more information.
Oklahoma-based Arms of Compassion Ministry traveled to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to provide generators for use in relief efforts. Master’s Men used donations from Free Will Baptists across the nation to purchase and deliver plastic totes, large tarps, and personal hygiene items for cleanup efforts.
In Tennessee, the campus of Free Will Baptist Family Ministries and the grounds of Camp Creek Elementary School have become the official site for disaster relief efforts in the devastated Camp Creek community near Greeneville. The ministry has partnered with emergency responders, volunteers, and supporters to provide shelter, food, water, and relief to those in need. Visit www.fwbfm.com for more information.
Master’s Men continues to seek volunteers for these ongoing relief efforts. For more information, contact the office at 877-767-8039 or email masters@nafwb.org. You may also send donations to help purchase relief supplies. Donate online at www.fwbmastersmen.org, or send donations marked Disaster Relief to:
Free Will Baptist Executive Office
PO Box 5002
Antioch, TN 37011-5002
For current news about relief efforts, visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Convention Deadline Approaches
Antioch, TN—June 17 will mark the final day to pre-register for the 2011 Free Will Baptist convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, according to Convention Registration Coordinator Dari Goodfellow. It will also signal an end to reduced convention rates available at six downtown hotels. To take advantage of these opportunities, visit the convention website: www.nafwb.org/2011conv.
National Offices Building Damaged by Storm
Antioch, TN—The Free Will Baptist National Offices Building sustained minor damage during a storm Thursday, February 24. Although weather officials have yet to verify the presence of a tornado, a severe storm with high winds and intense lightning passed through the South Nashville suburbs at 10:30 p.m., leaving behind a widespread trail of debris.
At the National Offices Building, high winds blew in heavy loading-dock doors, damaging the building’s wiring and triggering the security alarm. In addition, drop ceilings collapsed in both the men and women’s restrooms on the first floor, and a security light was ripped from the exterior of the building.
“I’m just thankful,” said Building Manager Steve Pate. “When you look around at all the other damage in the area, things could have been a lot worse. This morning, I found a small yard sign like the ones realtors use sticking straight out of the side of our building, almost like it had been placed there. Strange things happen in a storm like this!”
The line of heavy storms damaged homes and businesses throughout Antioch and severely damaged two nearby churches.
Free Will Baptist Publications Honored by Evangelical Press Association
Nashville, TN—ONE Magazine and Randall House Publications were honored at the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) convention in Chicago, May 4-6. Randall House received Awards of Excellence for Fusion devotional magazine for adults and Explorer’s Guide, a devotional magazine for children and young teens.
Randall House was also honored with two higher goals awards: First place in the magazine design category for The Brink, a magazine for college-age adults, and fifth place in the general article short category for “Killers,” by Matt Crain (IL) published in Fusion devotional magazine.
ONE Magazine received awards in three categories: First place in the standing column category, for “First Glimpse,” written by Managing Editor Eric Thomsen; second place in the article series category for “The Christian’s Call to Healthy Living,” by John Brummitt; and fifth place in the single theme section category for “Home Works: Building a Family of Faith,” published in the August-September 2010 issue of the magazine.
The EPA contest honors the best work done by member publications during the preceding calendar year. Winners included entries from a wide variety of Christian publishers, including familiar names such as Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Leadership Journal, and many others.
Randall House Senior Editor Jonathan Yandell commented, “While I was pleased to win two awards of excellence, which is quite an accomplishment, I was even more pleased that judges indicated our magazines are fulfilling their stated purpose with a high level of excellence. I am grateful to our team for their great work.
Free Will Baptist Yearbook Available
Antioch, TN—The 2011 Free Will Baptist Yearbook came off the press in March. The yearbooks have been mailed to district association clerks for distribution of complimentary copies to local churches.
If you wish to purchase a copy for personal use, call Randall House Publications at 800-877-7030, or visit www.RandallHouse.com.