news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
Ridge Church Restoration Continues
New Durham, NH—The fourth phase of the Ridge Church renovation project was completed August 16-20, 2010, according to Project Coordinator Ken Akers. “Most of these guys had participated in earlier projects. They knew exactly what to do, and they got right to work.”
Six men from five states spent the week painting the wooden pews, repairing damaged flooring, and restoring and repainting window grids. The team [pictured below] consisted of Ken Akers (TN), Larry Clyatt (FL), B.B. Rogers (FL), Mark McCarty (OH), Greg McCarty (IN), Tom and Jane Harmon (IL), and Denver McKay (AR).

During previous phases of renovation, volunteers repaired the roof structure by replacing joists and worn shingles, removed and replaced peeling exterior paint, removed two deteriorating chimneys, reinforced and painted the sagging bell tower, repaired drainage problems under the church, patched plaster and painted the interior walls.
The final phase of renovation completes the project begun in 2007, when delegates to the 2007 national convention in Little Rock, AR, voted to help maintain the aging structure. The building, completed in 1820, is the oldest FWB church structure in existence.
“It’s hard to believe that it has been four years since we started this project,” said Akers with a smile. “I want to thank everyone who has been part of the project whether through donations or by participating in the renovations. I am glad we have been able to help preserve this important landmark for future generations of Free Will Baptists.
To donate to the Ridge Church Preservation Fund, contact Ken Akers at ken@nafwb.org, call (877) 767-8039, or visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Elizabeth Hodges Elected WNAC Executive Director
ANTIOCH, TN—Delegates to the 75th Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC) convention, which met in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, July 19-20, overwhelmingly approved Elizabeth Hodges as the sixth executive director. Hodges replaced previous Executive-secretary Treasurer Danita High, who resigned December 31, 2009. She officially began her duties August 1.
Elizabeth brings a lifetime of experience to the position. Her mother, Mary Belle Creech, was an avid WNAC participant and faithful supporter. Traveling with her dad, Ronald Creech, former promotional director of the state of North Carolina, also prepared her for her role. She served 19 years in the Cumberland District as either President or Vice-President. God used
Mrs. Hodges is an educator and administrator with 28 years experience in both Christian and public education. She graduated from Free Will Baptist Bible College in 1976 and also holds a M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education and Ed.S. in Administration and Supervision. For the past 12 years, she has worked as a school principal.
Elizabeth is married to Rev. Edward Hodges (Eddie) who pastors Hendersonville FWB Church (TN). They have three grown children: Samuel, Stephen, and Sarah.
Elizabeth reflects on her new role. “I am very excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I am thrilled to have a small part in His work among the women of our denomination. WNAC offers fertile ground for older women to mentor younger women, passing on the baton of faith given to us. However, we need the help of younger women as we seek to engage the culture where we have been placed to serve. Learning from each other, we can advance the opportunities afforded to women who are active for Christ.”
2010 National Golf Tournament Winners Announced
NASHVILLE, TN—Sixty-two golfers braved sweltering humidity to participate in the 2010 Master’s Men National Golf Tournament on August 5. This year’s tournament featured a new venue—Windtree Golf Course in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Despite the heat, players enjoyed the beautiful course and favorable scoring conditions.

Rain began to fall as the teams finished their final shots. With all rounds complete and everyone safely inside, the group enjoyed a hearty lunch featuring Tennessee barbeque. Each golfer received a gift bag before individual and team prizes were awarded.
North Carolina pastor Danny Dwyer and partner Todd Haynes [pictured above] won the championship with a nine-under-par round of 63. Last year’s championship team of Gladson and Pilgram, finished two strokes back to take second place. The team of Webb and Malone won first place in the First Flight, followed by Wiginton and Wiginton. Second flight trophies were presented to Allen and Dunn for first place followed by the team of Thomas and Lopes.
National Softball Tournament Records a Hit
NASHVILLE, TN—The 2010 Master’s Men National Softball tournament started with a three-hour delay, but the wet weather failed to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm and the competition proved to be fast-paced and competitive.
When the final elimination rounds had been completed, tournament organizers crowned Zion Hill (Orange) team from Millwood, Georgia, the 2010 National Champions. Second place was awarded to the Kirby (Red) team from Michigan with Farmington (MO) and Free Will Chapel (AL) finishing third and fourth consecutively. In the consolation bracket championship, Community FWB Church (MI) outlasted Northport (AL) to win the trophy.
Master’s Men Director Ken Akers said, “Thanks to all the players and fans who endured the rain, the heat, and the delays to make this a great year. We appreciate the support and sportsmanship from teams, players, and churches.”
2011 Nominees Requested
ANTIOCH, TN—The 2010-2011 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, is prepared to receive nominees for the 2011 convention election, according to Todd Smith (SC), committee chairman.
The committee will meet December 7, 2010, at the annual Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, to consider nominations and compile a report with one nomination for each position to be filled. The report will be presented to the General Board and delegates at the 2011 convention.
The following board and commission positions will be filled in 2011: Home Missions (3), Board of Retirement (3), Master’s Men (3), Free Will Baptist Foundation (3), Commission for Theological Integrity (1) Historical Commission (1), Media Commission (1), Music Commission (1), General Board (11), Executive Committee (3), and General Officers (4).
Nominations, accompanied by a brief resume, must be submitted in writing exclusively to the chairman on or before November 30. Contact Chairman Todd Smith (SC):
Nominating Committee
PO Box 9
Turbeville, SC 29162