news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
Free Will Baptists Assist in Rebuilding Effort
Saut D’Eau , Haiti —Master’s Men Director Ken Akers spearheaded a Free Will Baptist rebuilding trip to Haiti, May 17-25. The
11-member volunteer team that included four FWBBC students rebuilt the boys’ dormitory at Mountain Faith Mission orphanage
in Saut D’Eau, Haiti, using money donated for rebuilding.

“It was hot and difficult work,” said Akers, “But we were able to raise the large concrete block building in a short period of time.
I was amazed at how much the team accomplished in spite of the tough conditions.”
The 11 volunteers raised their own travel expenses to cover airfare, lodging, transportation, and food so that more money could
be applied to the construction.
For more pictures and information about the trip, visit the Master’s Men website at www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Free Will Baptist Publications Honored by Evangelical Press Association
NASHVILLE, TN—Both ONE Magazine and Randall House Publications were honored at the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) convention in Dallas, Texas, May 5-7, 2010. FUSION magazine received the Award of Excellence for Most Improved Publication and an Award of Merit in the devotional magazine category. Horizon magazine, a devotional publication for high school teens, won first place for Fiction for “Summer’s End,” an article by Marilyn J. Chase.
ONE Magazine won second place awards in three categories: Standing Column, featuring ONE to ONE by Keith Burden; First-Person Article for “Her Middle Name Is Faith” by David Amburgey; and Devotional Article, “He Has Big Faith.”
The contest honors the best work done by EPA publications during the 2009 calendar year and includes a wide variety of Christian publishers, including familiar names such as Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Leadership, and Discipleship Journal.
Dr. Danny Conn, Randall House editorial director, commented, “Our publications did well in general, receiving good marks across the board. While pleasing God is the ultimate measure of our materials, we are glad our peers in the publishing world have recognized us for producing a quality product.”
Deep South Tournament a Sunny Success
Ft. Gaines, GA—The weather cooperated for the April 2010 Deep South Golf Tournament, April 21-23, at George T. Bagby Golf Course in Ft. Gaines, Georgia. After grappling with rainy conditions in two previous events, Tournament Coordinator Ken Akers was ecstatic. “It was sunny and dry, with temperatures hovering around 70° each day. The weather could only be described as perfect!”

As director of the Free Will Baptist Master’s Men Department, Ken emphasizes the importance of the tournament as both a fellowship event and a fundraiser for the department. “This event does more than just bring a bunch of guys together to play golf,” he said. “It helps underwrite the general fund of the department. And it is a fun way to do it!”
Low scores reflected the ideal conditions. Tennessee pastor Jerry Hall and his son Joseph (pictured) walked away with top honors, shooting a 19-under-par score of 197 for the three-day tournament.
Next year’s event is scheduled for April 20-22. For more information, or to register, visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Southeastern FWB College Celebrates Alumni Events
Eagle Rock, North Carolina—Attendees of the annual Camp Meeting held April 12-14, at Southeastern FWB College, enjoyed a luncheon that featured speaker Russ Moots and entertainment from Apostle Johnny Washington (Zachary Bell). The Alumni Association honored the classes of 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005 in conjunction with the meeting.
The second annual Regional Alumni Reunion will be hosted at Parkers Chapel FWB Church in Greenville, NC, on September 18. All alumni are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Pastor Gene Williams: at 252-752-4179 or genewilliams@parkerschapel.org.
National Association Sponsors Day of Prayer
ANTIOCH, TN—This year, Free Will Baptists across the country will join together on Sunday, July 11, 2010, to fast and pray for the annual National Association of Free Will Baptists that will begin a week later in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Churches are encouraged to emphasize prayer in their services, from music and sermons to organized prayer vigils and prayer chains.
According to Keith Burden, executive secretary, “While we encourage Free Will Baptists to pray for the convention throughout the year, we want to set aside one day where we all join together in a focused effort to pray for this year’s meeting.” He went on to add, “Prayer is the essential ingredient for a God-honoring convention!”
Convention Prayer Coordinator Danny Phillips added his encouragement. “I encourage everyone to pray faithfully for convention leaders and speakers. The Apostle Paul asked for prayer so when he opened his mouth, he would do so boldly, to ‘make known the mystery of the gospel’. I am sure his words would are true of convention leaders and speakers.”
Family Ministries Celebrates Success in 2009
Greeneville, TN—In spite of economic challenges, 2009 proved to be a fruitful year for Free Will Baptists Family Ministries. The rapidly expanding organization served 1,368 children and families through diverse ministries that stretch across three states and include children’s homes, a retirement and assisted-living center, a crisis pregnancy center, and a campground.
In 2009, the organization saw more than 100 young people accept Christ as their personal Savior, while 85 rededicated their lives to follow Christ, and 102 babies were born to clients of The Hope Center (for moms in crisis). To learn more about Free Will Baptist Family Ministries, visit the website: www.fwbfm.com.