news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

WNAC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Resigns
Antioch, TN—The Executive Committee of Women Nationally active for Christ has accepted the resignation of Executive Secretary-Treasurer Danita High, effective December 31, 2009. The committee commends Danita for her outstanding work.
She and her husband believe God has directed them to take over his retiring father’s business. Danita feels the change will enable her to fulfill her primary responsibilities as a mother in their home. They plan to pursue pastoral ministry opportunities in Northwest Arkansas.
The committee is accepting any nominations or resumes for this position. Contact President Rebecca Pugh by email at rccpugh@yahoo.com, or by mail: 298 Andy Drive, Drummonds, TN 38023. The deadline for nominations/resumes is February 28, 2010.
Ridge Church Renovation Continues
New Durham, NH—Phase three of the Ridge Church renovation project was completed August 17-21, 2009, according to Project Coordinator Ken Akers. “We had a great team. I couldn’t believe how much they accomplished in one week!”

The volunteers spent a week patching plaster, painting interior walls, repairing damaged lapboard siding, and painting the bell tower and shutters. The team consisted of Kenneth and Sandra Akers (TN), Larry Clyatt (FL), B.B. Rogers (FL), Mark McCarty (OH), Greg McCarty (IN), Tom and Jane Harmon (IL), and Denver McKay (AR).
During earlier phases of renovation, volunteers repaired the roof structure by replacing joists and worn shingles, removed and replaced peeling exterior paint, removed two deteriorating chimneys, reinforced the bell tower, and repaired drainage problems under the church.
The congregation, which began meeting in 1793, completed the current building in 1820, making it the oldest FWB church structure in existence. In light of the building’s historical significance, delegates to the 2007 national convention in Little Rock, AR, voted to help the New Durham congregation (which no longer meets in the Ridge Church) maintain the aging structure.
Volunteers who would like to participate in future phases of the Ridge Church Project should contact Ken Akers at ken@nafwb.org, call (877) 767-8039, or visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Oklahoma Minister Celebrates 60 Years of Ministry
Locust Grove, OK—Dr. William (E.B.) Condit celebrated 60 years in the ministry in August. Ordained as a Free Will Baptist pastor in 1949, Condit ministered churches in Oklahoma and North Carolina, including the Little Rock FWB Church where 200 friends, family, and coworkers gathered to celebrate the milestone. Condit and his wife Louise have three children: Larry, Pamala, and Debera.
Nominating Process Changed
Antioch, TN—Delegates to the 2009 convention in Cincinnati approved proposed changes to the nominating process. The changes go into effect at the 2010 convention in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The new procedures appear in the updated Treatise, available for download at www.onemag.org/nominating_process.pdf. Following is a summary of the new process:
The nomination schedule for the upcoming convention will be published each year in the October-November issue of ONE Magazine. The name and contact information for the chairman of the Nominating Committee will appear with this schedule. Nominations accompanied by a brief résumé must be submitted in writing exclusively to the chairman on or before November 30.
A Nominating Committee member will not allow his name to be placed into nomination for any position. If he accepts a nomination, he will resign from the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee functions only as a body. Outside discussions among committee members are to be avoided.
A list of the Nominating Committee’s recommendations will be published in the April-May issue of ONE Magazine.
Nominations may be submitted on the floor of the national convention. However, the nominations must be in writing, accompanied by a brief résumé, and read by the clerk.