news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.

Ridge Church Renovation Continues
New Durham, NH—Phase three of the Ridge Church Renovation project will begin August 17-21, 2009, according to Project Coordinator Ken Akers. “We need a small army of volunteers to participate in this important phase of renovation. No special skills are needed. If you can lift a paint brush, you qualify!”
In phase three of the project, volunteers will turn their attention to the interior of the church (pictured above), patching the plaster and painting the walls.
During phases one and two, skilled laborers repaired the sagging roof structure, replacing joists and worn shingles, removed and replaced peeling paint, removed two deteriorating chimneys, reinforced the bell tower, and repaired drainage problems under the church.
The congregation, which began meeting in 1793, completed the current building in 1820, making it the oldest FWB church structure in existence.
Delegates to the 2007 national convention in Little Rock, AR, voted to help the New Durham congregation (which no longer meets in the Ridge Church) maintain the aging structure in light of its historical significance.
Volunteers who would like to participate in the project should contact Ken Akers at ken@nafwb.org, call (877) 767-8039, or visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Master's Men Announces Initiatives
ANTIOCH, TN—The Free Will Baptist Master’s Men Department will launch new initiatives in 2009, according to Director Ken Akers. The first, a series of regional conferences for men, will be based on the recently announced theme, Count Me In (CMI).
“Each the CMI Conference will take a direct approach to helping men develop spiritual depth and challenge them to mentor other men,” said Nashville pastor Tim York, volunteer and coordinator for the conferences. “We want to help those who attend to influence the next generation of godly men.” Dates for the regional events are forthcoming.
The Build-a-House program has been resurrected in 2009 after a ten-year hiatus. The fundraising initiative helps to underwrite general fund costs for the department through building and selling homes for a profit. The current Build-a-House project will be led by Illinois pastor Bryant Harris and Tom Harmon, a member of the Illinois Master’s Men board. They will construct a three-bedroom, two-bath home (construction pictured below) on a beautiful wooded lot in Benton, IL.

Harris and Harmon need volunteers (both men and women) who will volunteer their professional talents to the project, with the goal of saving thousands in constructions costs. “The Build-a-House project may prove to be a most beneficial fundraising effort for the department,” Ken Akers commented. “I am counting on Master’s Men supporters to help us make it a success.”
Volunteers should contact Ken Akers at ken@nafwb.org, call (877) 767-8039, or visit www.fwbmastersmen.org for more information.
2009 Yearbook Released
ANTIOCH, TN—The 2009 Free Will Baptist Yearbook came
off the press in February. The yearbooks have been mailed
to district association clerks for distribution of complimentary
copies to local churches.
If you wish to purchase a copy for personal use, call Randall House Publications at 800-877-7030, or visit www.randallhouse.com.
Convention Internship Program Announced
ANTIOCH, TN—The annual Free Will Baptist Convention
Intern Program offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at
convention planning, logistics, and daily operations. This
hands-on program will give students valuable experience in
the world of business operations.
Interns will join the convention staff during the 2009
convention in Cincinnati, OH. Participants will work in one
or more of the following areas: registration, audio/visual,
technical set-up, exhibition, ushering, media, or safety/security.
The students will receive training before the convention,
on-site training and guidance, and room and board.
College credit is available for interns through a partnership
with Free Will Baptist Bible College.
For more information, contact Convention Manager
Ryan Lewis: ryan@nafwb.org or 877-767-7659. Deadline
for application is May 1, 2009.