news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
NASHVILLE, TN Reverend E. Bayless McDonald, who served 32 years as treasurer at Free Will Baptist Bible College, died January 28, 2008. He was 86 years old. Reverend McDonald and his wife Katherine both retired from FWBBC in December 1985. Mrs. McDonald supervised the college dining hall 26 years. She died in 2004.
Former FWBBC president Dr. Charles A. Thigpen worked with McDonald more than 30 years. He said, “Brother ‘Mac’ was one of the few men who measured up to his full capabilities. In addition to his work at the college, he served for many years as treasurer for the Tennessee State Association. He was one of the finest and most genuine men I’ve ever met.”
When McDonald enrolled at FWBBC in 1948, he had already graduated from Cecil’s Business College and served six years as bookkeeper with a North Carolina firm. The FWBBC administration saw in him those qualities of integrity and professionalism they wanted in employees and hired him while he was a student, bringing him on full-time after he graduated in 1953.
Born February 20, 1921, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, McDonald was converted in 1940 at Avery’s Creek FWB Church, which he later pastored. He soon answered the call to preach and pastored two North Carolina churches (1944-1948), then felt the need for more Biblical training and relocated to Nashville where he attended FWBBC. He pastored five Middle Tennessee churches while employed at the college.
In addition to the Bachelor of Arts degree at FWBBC, McDonald pursued graduate studies at the University of Tennessee (Nashville), Peabody College, and Winona Lake School of Theology.
Rev. McDonald kept a close eye on the college’s finances for three decades and a closer eye on the students, becoming a father figure to many young ministers. FWBBC designated December 6, 1985, as “McDonald Appreciation Day” and scheduled a chapel service and reception in honor of E.B. and Katherine McDonald.
E.B. and Katherine McDonald had four sons—David McDonald (Tennessee), Tim McDonald (Tennessee pastor), Richard McDonald (Oklahoma musician), and Donald McDonald (Free Will Baptist missionary to Japan).
COCOA, FL Randy Bryant, executive director for the Florida State Association of Free Will Baptists, recently introduced Chrissy Kinney as the editor of The Coordinator, the states’ bimonthly newsletter. Chrissy’s work experience and background includes college journalism and copy-editing courses, as well as on-the job experience in public relations and marketing.
A member of the New Hope Fellowship FWB Church in Cocoa, Chrissy currently manages New Hope Fellowship’s website, produces the church bulletin, and creates PowerPoint presentations for worship. She is both treasurer and church clerk, a Sunday School teacher, and a member of the Christian Education Board of the Indian River Association.
Born in Ft. Sill, OK. She and her husband Mattlive in Mims and attend New Hope Fellowship Church in Cocoa. When asked about her new position, Chrissy commented, “I feel extremely blessed and excited to be given this opportunity to serve the Lord and my denomination as Editor of The Coordinator. I pray that I will perform this calling as well as my predecessors, and I look forward to working with God’s people—not only in the State of Florida, but throughout the denomination.”
ANTIOCH, TN The Free Will Baptist Foundation is currently training state, regional and national leaders for roles in denominational planned giving, according to General Director David L. Brown.
“Our two newly elected board members joined four state and regional leaders in January 2008 for a week-long professional seminar in Florida presented by R & R Newkirk,” Brown said. “North Carolina Promotional Director Billy Keith, Oklahoma Executive Director Mike Wade, Tennessee Promotional Director Glenn Poston, Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College Vice President Bob Thompson, and new board members Len Blanchard and Mark Price rearranged their schedules to participate in the industry-leading seminar that covered all aspects of planned giving and estate planning.”

Brown noted that 19 other Free Will Baptist leaders have attended previous seminars in an effort to elevate denominational awareness regarding the benefits of long-term financial planning. ”We began training leaders in January of 2003 and I don’t think it is a coincidence that the Foundation has seen dramatic growth in planned gifts and endowments during the last six years.”
“We will continue to provide this training to additional FWB leaders for a few more years,” says Brown. “We recognize the importance of their role. Our goal is to work hand-in-hand with them to provide planned giving services to their constituents through the Foundation.”
ANTIOCH, TN Women Nationally Active for Christ recently unveiled its national project for 2008-2009. Building for the Future: 20/20/20 focuses on expanding Kingdom ministries in three areas: local church, Christian education and financial accountability.
The two-year effort will help amortize property costs for the Free Will Baptist seminary in Chame, Panama, finance construction of the long-awaited church facility in Villalba, Spain, and build a funding base through the WNAC Endowment to cover operational costs and continue WNAC ministries. All gifts received will be divided equally among the three endeavors.
WNAC President Rebecca Pugh describes the project as “something big God wants to do through our women for His Kingdom.” Establishing a goal of $60,000 ($20,000 per cause), WNAC’s Executive Committee considers this amount reachable. In 2006, women raised over $40,000 for Central Asia Christmas Joy.
Mrs. Pugh encourages women to “respond with extravagance, if possible” but notes that all women “can do something.” Find more information at www.WNAC.org or call toll-free (877) 767-7662).