news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
FREDERICTON, NB, CANADA Women from the Atlantic Canada Association of Free Will Baptists gathered in Fredericton June 15-16, for the 20th annual Women’s Conference. According to conference organizers Donna and Alexis Crabtree, 128 women representing all 11 churches in the association attended the meeting hosted by Serenity FWB Church.

Tina Tolbert (pictured above right with conference attendees), director of Adult Studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College was the keynote speaker. She spoke three times on the conference theme, “Hiding in Thee,” from Psalm 32:7.
This meeting marked the first time the conference had not met at Saint John Valley Bible Camp, a facility owned by the Association. Donna Crabtree said, “The camp was vandalized a few months ago and was not ready for the retreat this year. But God knew in advance where it needed to be.”
Conference attendees praised both the conference and Tolbert’s presentations.
“I’ve heard nothing but good!”
“I was challenged and encouraged.”
“On the Sunday after, the women of our church were testifying about how good it was and how much they enjoyed it.”
Nominees Requested
CAVANAUGH , AR The 2007-2008 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Charleston, WV, is prepared to receive nominees for 2008 convention election, according to Will Harmon, committee chairman.
The board, which includes members Will Harmon (Chairman, AR); David Baker (FL); Rick Cason (GA); Chris Clay (IN); Rick Dement (MO); Dennis Kizzire (MS); and Glenn Poston (TN) will meet December 4, 2007, at the annual Leadership Conference in Nashville, TN, to consider any names they receive. The committee will then compile a report with one nomination for each position to be filled. This document will be presented to the general board and delegates at the convention in Charleston.
The following board and commission positions need to be filled: FWB Bible College Trustees (3), International Missions Board (3), Randall House Publications Board (3), Commission for Theological Integrity (1), Historical Commission (1), Media Commission (1), Music Commission (1), General Board (11), Executive Committee (3) and General Officers (4).
To make a recommendation to the committee, contact: Chairman Will Harmon, 905 Kerry Lane, Ft. Smith, AR 72916 / (479) 649-0082 willharmon@cfwbc.org.
MOORE, OK Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College hosted the 2007 Truth and Peace Leadership Conference July 3-13. Seventy-nine high school students made the campus home for 10 days before departing for the National Youth Conference in Little Rock, AR.
During their stay, conference participants experienced life at Hillsdale while undergoing intense leadership training. According to Director Allen Pointer, “These high school leaders from seventeen states, Uruguay, and Japan met for ten days to develop better leadership skills to use in local youth groups, congregations, and high schools.”
The experience was a positive one for Hillsdale. According to an official campus news release, “It was great to have Truth and Peace here and we look forward to hosting them in the future.”
Students interested in participating in the 2008 Truth and Peace Student Leadership Conference visit www.randallhouse.com (click on SCM) or call (800) 877-7030.
MT. JULIET, TN A record 96 participants gathered just after sunrise on August 2 to compete in the annual Master’s Men National Golf Tournament.
The blazing sun baked the greens as temperatures soared into the high 90s. In spite of blistering conditions, the team of Dwyer and Atwell recorded a low score of 61 to walk away with top honors. Norris and Cleveland finished in second place with a 64.
The tournament was followed by a lunch featuring Tennessee Bar-B-Q, sweet tea, and hot cookies. After lunch trophies were awarded and door prizes were distributed to most competitors. Master’s Men extends thanks to all golfers and hole sponsors.
ANTIOCH, TN Twenty-eight teams from 10 states participated in the 17th Master’s Men National Softball Tournament. Players endured sweltering conditions but enjoyed fierce competition. When the dust settled on the field, Westgate FWB Church, Spartanburg, SC, walked away with top honors. Fellowship FWB Church, from Park Hills, MO, placed second.
Master’s Men thanks all participants in the tournament. Make plans now to enter your team in the 2008 tournament. For more information about Master’s Men sports ministry, visit the website: www.nafwb.org/mm.