news about the denomination
The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit www.nafwb.org.
NASHVILLE, TN Student & Children’s Ministries has recruited an eclectic group of children’s pastors, youth ministers, and pastors to serve as an informal Advisory Council. The insight and experience of these dedicated individuals will be a great asset in the development of the ministries of the SCM.
Mark Walker, First FWB, Albany, GA
Johnny Miller, Cavanaugh FWBm, Ft. Smith, AR
Dean Stone, CrossPointe FWB, Norman, OK
Steve Greenwood, Donelson FWB, Nashville, TN
Christian Powell, Faith FWB, Goldsboro, NC
Randy Raines, Farmington FWB, Farmington, MO
Barry Raper, FWBBC, Nashville, TN
Joe Wilson, First FWB, Lebanon, MO
Curt Gwartney, Locust Grove FWB, Locust Grove, OK
Steve Berry, First FWB, Melbourne, FL
Darren Walker, First FWB, North Little Rock, AR
Steve Lindsay, New Hope FWB, Joelton, TN
Gowdy Cannon, Northwest FWB, Chicago, IL
The annual Gateway Bible Conference was held March 4-7. Service coincided with the college Open House. Church members, students, and guests were blessed by messages about loving the Word of God, experiencing revival, and holy living. Speakers included Frank Rice, Jr., David Crowe, Dr. Johnny Pope, and Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.
The 2007 Spring GCC Golf Tournament will be held April 3. This year’s event will feature great golf and refreshing fellowship while raising support for the college. Event details are posted on the college website.
The fourth commencement service of Gateway Christian College will be held on Sunday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. Guests are invited to attend. Already, graduates of the college are serving as pastors, associate pastors, missionaries, Christian school teachers, and church secretaries.
Find out more information about the college at www.gatewaychristiancollege.com.
LITTLE ROCK, AR The prayer committee for the 71st NAFWB National Convention to be held in Little Rock, Arkansas July 15-18, 2007, has begun efforts to enlist and mobilize prayer support for the convention. In an effort to enlist an army of prayer warriors who will seek God's face and lift our convention up to the Lord in prayer, the committee is asking volunteers from all walks of life to join them in striving to saturate every aspect of the convention with prayer.
As the convention draws closer, pray for the convention planning team and Executive Office personnel as they organize and promote the important meeting. Additional prayer requests and news will be released through various Free Will Baptist media outlets in the coming months.
For more information about the committee, or to find out how you can help, email us at nafwbpray@westweb1.net or call us at (870) 886-6715.
NASHVILLE, TN Danny Conn, director of Student and Children’s Ministries at Randall House Publications, is updating the department’s database of student ministers. To provide your contact information, mail SCM@randallhouse.com and include your name, mailing address, phone, email address, church name, and ministry age group. You may also fax this information to SCM at (615) 367-0535.
SCM is striving to improve communication among youth workers in order to share news, ideas, and needs. Please share events and needs in your area.
LITTLE ROCK, AR Michael Boggs, of FFH, provide a worship concert on Monday night at the National Youth Conference. Ticket information is available on the Convention Pre-registration form. For more information, visit www.randallhouse.com.

National Youth Conference participants, parents, coaches, and directors:
please remember there are two types of “registration fees” for the NYC: the
$25 Conference fee on the Pre-registration form is required for every
student (grades 1—12 and preschool worship) to receive a badge to enter the
youth conference activities (including RTG, youth services, competition,
etc.). The Conference Fee is NOT paid by your state. The Conference Fee will
be $35 at the door, so pre-register for a discount.
The other fee covers the Competition Event Entry. This is a graduated amount
based on the number of participants in the entry (see page 6 of the NYC
Guidelines booklet). This fee is sometimes forwarded from the fees paid to
the State Youth Conference. This fee only applies to the competition event
registration. This fee is to be included with National Youth Conference
Competition Registration form (page 52 of the NYC Guidelines booklet), due by June 15.