January 2015
Passing the Torch
Welch College moves into a future of growth with new academic programs, including fully online undergraduate degree programs and a master’s degree in Theology and Ministry.
Welch College: New Initiatives for Growth
By Matthew J. Pinson
Things are abuzz at Welch College!
With new initiatives leading the way to growth, Welch’s future looks bright.
Enrollment Growth
We are enjoying a trend in enrollment growth, a reversal from the doldrums we endured following the Recession, which really began to affect us in 2008. Last year, Welch experienced a 24% increase in dormitory enrollment, and this year, we’ve gone up again, between four and five percent.
We hope to build on this traditional-student growth with new academic programs that extend our mission of educating leaders to serve Christ, His church, and His world through biblical thought and life.
New Online Degrees
Last year, for the first time, the college began to offer online degrees through an agreement with the leading online, education-consulting firm, Capital Education, LLC. We now offer four degrees online:
The Associate of Arts degree (A.A.)
in General Studies
The Associate of Science degree (A.S.)
in Business
The Associate of Science degree (A.S.)
in Ministry
The Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.)
in Ministry
Last fall, our first year to offer these degrees, 26 students enrolled in them. This fall, the second fall to enroll students in these online degrees, we are on track to exceed 40 students. As we get the word out about these new programs, we believe we will experience greater and greater growth over the next few years.
The online degree programs are designed to fill a niche: mid-career, adult learners who cannot leave their homes and relocate to Nashville. Thus, they are tailor-made for the highly motivated and flexible adult-learning style rather than the typical 18 to 22-year-old college student. Our online students have responded positively to these programs that enable them to realize their dream of graduating from a Christian college without leaving their homes and careers.
If you or someone you know might be interested in completing an online degree at Welch, please email online admissions counselor Brian Crouse: brian.crouse@welch.edu.
Master’s Programs
One of my long-range goals for Welch College is to have a theological seminary or divinity school offering M.Div., D.Min., and similar degrees. In 2005, we made plans to study the feasibility of offering master’s degrees in two core programs—ministry and teacher education.
When the Recession began, we encountered serious financial difficulty worsened by challenges with our pension plan. As a result, we temporarily shelved the graduate programs.
Now, we believe it is time to move graduate education at Welch College to the front burner. This year, we plan to make a level-change proposal to our accrediting bodies to offer a master’s degree program in Theology and Ministry. If the accreditors give us the green light, we hope to begin offering courses for the degree during the 2015-16 academic year.
The M.A. in Theology and Ministry. We are excited about this program, which has already been approved unanimously by our faculty and Board of Trustees. The M.A. in Theology and Ministry is designed as a 33-semester-hour graduate degree that integrates the classical theological disciplines with the study of the practice of Christian ministry. It is designed for college graduates who desire additional education in theological studies and ministry studies, whether they are or wish to be in ordained Christian ministry or lay ministry.
The program of studies is unique in that it aims at the interdisciplinary study of Christian theology and the practice of Christian ministry. Thus, students will study the classical theological disciplines with a focus on ministry practice, and ministry with a focus on the application of theology.
We’re planning to structure the M.A. in Theology and Ministry in “hybrid” courses that combine online study with weeklong, on-campus learning experiences. Thus, it will be ideal for those in active ministry who cannot relocate to Nashville to study for a master’s degree. Yet, it will still feature a vital lecture-and-discussion and mentoring component in which students will be able to interact with their professor face-to-face.
If you or someone you know might be interested in the prospect of studying for an M.A. in Theology and Ministry at Welch College, please email Dr. Kevin Hester at khester@welch.edu.
How Can You Help?
Some readers may be asking themselves, “How can I help make these new Welch College initiatives a success? Let me encourage you to do three things:
First, pray that God will make the online and graduate degree programs a success. Pray specifically that our accreditors will approve these programs. Second, make a mental list of individuals you know who might be interested in earning one of the degrees listed in this article. Tell us about them, and encourage them to inquire about the degree in which they’re interested. Finally, pray and ask God to give you guidance about supporting one of these new programs, or giving toward scholarships that would help students fund their education in one of these programs.
God is doing great things at Welch College. I ask you to pray for us and support us as we move boldly into the future with plans for growth toward the fulfillment of the mission to which He has called us.
About the Writer: Matt Pinson is president of Welch College. To learn more about the college and its programs, visit www.Welch.edu.