new horizons
by Larry Powell
Find out more about the ministry of Free Will Home
Missions at www.homemissions.net.
Each year, the highlight of the Free Will Baptist National Convention is the commissioning service for both International and North American church planters. Last year Home Missions commissioned 10 missionary families and sent them into the Mid-Atlantic, the South, and the Rocky Mountains and West.
Here Am I, Send Me
This year in Little Rock, Home Missions will commission seven additional missionary families. These church planters have said, “I will go.” They want to reach souls for Jesus. These men and women have a passion to find lost sheep, lost coins, and lost sons (Luke 15: 4-7; 8-10; 11-24). They have heard God’s call to serve. The summons has been confirmed by the Word of God and anointed by the Holy Spirit. The abiding conviction will serve them well in the years ahead as they build a church in the cities where God is sending them.

Where Are They Going?
Stephen and Denise Gray will plant a church in the fast-growing city of Collinsville, Illinois.
Jeremy and Jill Lightsey are headed to San Antonio in the Lone Star State of Texas.
Michael and Holly Hutton will grow a church family in Spring Hill, Tennessee.
Mark and Donna Thomas have set their focus on Pueblo, Colorado, an area with little evangelical witness.
Tim and Angie Riggs will head south to one of the nation’s hot spots for growth—Mobile, Alabama.
Dale and Julie McCoy will reap a harvest of souls in Prattville, Alabama.
Tim and Robyn Osborn will leave Memphis and begin sharing Jesus in the neighboring suburb of Oak Hill, Tennessee.
By the time the convention meets in July, several new families will join these missionary families.
Thanks and Applause
When we gather in Little Rock on Wednesday evening, July 18, 2007, and these missionaries stand before us, they will hear the words, “We charge you to teach the word of God faithfully and fearlessly. We admire you, love you, and pray you God’s Speed.”The great congregation of Free Will Baptists will rise with thunderous applause as they thank those who will be sent throughout North America and the regions beyond.
Larry A. Powell, general director
Free Will Baptist Home Missions Department
Learn more about the ministry of Free Will Home
Missions at www.homemissions.net.