October-November 2015
The Road Ahead

Who we are, what we do, and where we are going…
North American Missions
By Brad Ransom
If I could use one word to describe what is going on at North
American Ministries, it would have to be exciting. God has been
doing so many new and exciting things, and North American
Ministries gets to be part of it. You can also partner with us by supporting the Mission: North America Offering on
November 22, 2015. Give through your local church or visit us
at www.fwbnam.com to make a secure online donation.
Any gift will help us continue to provide encouragement, training, resources, and support to help our field teams be successful.
Our Family
Answering the call. Across the denomination I have heard, “Where are all the young preachers answering the call to ministry?”
I’m glad to report that young men are still answering the call to ministry, and many have accepted the challenge to plant a church. God is still calling and many are answering. As director of church planting, I receive phone calls and emails from men interested in planting churches almost weekly. Currently, North American Ministries has 52 church planters and associates planting 42 churches in 24 states, territories, and in Canada.
While five church planters have gone self-supporting, resigned, or entered eternal glory, 15 new church planters and associates have joined our team in the last two years, with more working through the application, assessment, and approval process. We see God doing an exciting work, and it is a joy for North American Ministries to be a part.
Hispanic Ministry. It is exciting to see what God is doing through Free Will Baptist Hispanic Ministry. According to Hispanic Director Rick Bowling, North American Ministries currently has six full-time, Spanish-speaking church planters who oversee the ministries of 40 local churches. Hundreds of Spanish-speaking Free Will Baptists meet on a weekly basis to hear the gospel and reach their communities with the good news.
Chaplaincy. Colonel Kerry Steedley (retired), director of chaplain support, reports eight Free Will Baptist chaplains minister to hundreds of soldiers and their family members weekly. Many members of the military are being saved, baptized, discipled, and sent out to reach others wherever they go in their military careers.
Our Focus
The focus of North American Ministries always has been (and will continue to be) planting new churches, but we also have answered the call to help struggling churches across the denomination. Our Church Revitalization program already has had an impact, ministering to hundreds of church members, pastors, and local churches through the national POWER Conference (held in May in Branson, Missouri), regional conferences on leadership and church growth, legacy church plants, and the Examining the Body church assessment program administered by Jim McComas, director of church revitalization. Churches that have struggled and felt they didn’t know where to turn have commented that, through the efforts of the department, they have hope once again. Although we do not guarantee success for every church, we offer help, hope, support, and training.
Men at Work
Master’s Men has also become an important part of our family and focus. Men’s ministry should be at the heart of every church. Following the recent merger of North American Ministries and Master’s Men, we are working together to impact the local church through discipleship and encouragement of men. Master’s Men is busy serving as the liaison between church planters and men in the local church. Director Ken Akers stands ready to assist your church with materials, resources, and training to lead your men to be all they can be in the local church.
Into the Future
The future of North American Ministries has never been more exciting. As we see all God has done, we eagerly anticipate what He will do in the future. As we move forward to plant new churches, assist in revitalizing struggling churches, train, encourage, equip, and send, we need your prayers and support.
Visit our new website www.fwbnam.com for more information on these areas of ministry and other exciting things happening around North America. Please remember to pray for us and to give sacrificially to the Mission: North America Offering November 22, 2015. Our entire team, including Executive Director David Crowe, stands ready to assist you or your church any way possible.
About the Writer: Brad Ransom is director of church planting for North American Ministries.