December - January 2023
Lighting the Darkness

Money Is Not the Issue
By Chris Compton
Marriage is a beautiful thing. God’s design for marriage is one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment. As most of us probably said in our vows: ‘Til death do us part. Yet, in today’s culture, many forces work overtime to break down commitments and destroy marriages. Some of those forces are external, others internal.
I am always saddened when these forces prevail, and a couple breaks their vows through divorce. Marriages end in divorce for many reasons, but one of the most cited reasons for divorce is money and finances. Unfortunately, this has been true for a long time. Why is that? I am sure every couple disagrees over money from time to time. We are human. We come from different backgrounds. Our views regarding money are different. Some are savers; others are spenders. Yet, our disagreements over money do not have to lead us down a path toward giving up on our commitment and calling it quits.
At the end of this month, my wife and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. (I haven’t forgotten!) During these 20 years, we have experienced many transitions: schooling, relocating, serving in ministry, and having children, among others. For many couples, these transitions in life create financial challenges. All too often, these financial challenges result in marital issues. For my wife and I, unity has been the key to staying grounded in our approach to money and financial challenges—unity in how we view God and His provisions for us.
God loves us. Because He loves us, He will take care of us. We can trace God’s promises to provide and care for our needs throughout the Scriptures. One of my favorites is Matthew 6:31-33: “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
God has taken this burden from us and placed it upon Himself. My wife and I trust in God and depend upon Him. He has never failed us, and He will never fail you. So, you can trust Him too.
Unity does not come naturally. Because we are different, it requires a lot of work and prayer to reach a place where you and your spouse are unified around the subject of money. But it is worth the effort! There is a wonderful freedom in understanding God’s care and provision as a couple. It frees us from the constant worry and stress over money. It allows our marriage to grow and flourish, and it helps us become more of what God wants us to be—generous.
When you understand this, money will no longer be the issue.
About the Author: Chris Compton is accounting administrator for the Board of Retirement. He graduated in 2007 with a M.A. in Bible exposition from Columbia International University. A 1998 graduate of East Tennessee State University, he has over 18 years of administrative/financial experience in varied fields, and seven years in pastoral ministry.