
gaining momentum
Support for Master's Men Picks Up Speed
by Ken Akers
To find out more about Master's Men, visit their website at www.nafwb.org/mm. |
FATHER'S DAY HAS BEEN DESIGNATED as a national offering day for the Master’s Men Department. Each year, churches are encouraged to give their members an opportunity to support our national men’s ministry. Each gift to Master’s Men increases the ability of the department to offer new and exciting programs for Free Will Baptist laymen. Help the department gain momentum by taking part in the 2006 Father’s Day Offering.

In 2005, nineteen churches gave to the Master’s Men Father’s Day Offering. Below is a list of the churches that donated.
Liberty FWB Church- Waycross, GA
Cornerstone FWB Church- Nashville, TN
First FWB Church- Dothan, AL
Liberty FWB Church- Millington, TN
First FWB Church- Lexington, KY
Springfield FWB Church- Springfield, OH
Sunnylane FWB Church- Oklahoma City, OK
Fellowship FWB Church- Albany, GA
First FWB Church- Benton, IL
Good Springs FWB Church- Pleasant View, TN
Cookeville FWB Church- Cookeville, TN
First FWB Church- Farmersville, CA
Burl’s Chapel FWB Church- Sweetwater, TN
First FWB Church- Decatur, IL
First Bible FWB Church- New Castle, IN
Center Point FWB Church- Vilonia, AR
Airport FWB Church- Tulsa, OK
First FWB Church- Richmond, VA
Blackland FWB Church- Oil Trough, AR
In addition to the churches listed above, several individuals made donations in memory or in honor of a loved one. If your church made a donation to Master’s Men, and you are not listed above, please let us know.
Thank you to all the churches and individuals who support Master’s Men, The Free Will Baptist men’s ministry.
Make plans now to receive an offering for Master’s Men on Father’s Day, June 18, 2006.