September 2012
Faith, Family &
news from master's Men and WNAC
Master's Men has organized men's ministry for the National Association of Free Will Baptists since 1955. Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC), an auxiliary arm of the denomination, has coordinated the collaborative efforts of Free Will Baptist women since 1934.
Master's Men Assumes Ushering Role
Antioch, TN—The Master’s Men Department will assume ushering responsibilities at the 2013 national convention in Tampa, Florida, according to Director Ken Akers. The announcement comes on the heels of Billy Walker’s retirement as ushering chairman, a position he held for 10 years.
Master’s Men Director Ken Akers said, “Since Master’s Men has been involved in recruiting and leading ushers in the past, we felt it would be a natural fit to assume leadership of this vital service again. Brother Walker has done a tremendous job for the past several years, and we look forward to maintaining the high level of service he promoted during his time as chairman.”
Ushers receive offerings during all worship services and the WNAC business meeting, help pass out reports during conventionbusiness meetings, and count delegates during the voting process. Ushers also distribute the convention newsletter after each evening service.
In addition to these duties, ushers assist delegates, provide security, relay messages, and help in emergency situations. Akers continues, “I appreciate all the men that have faithfully volunteered in the past, and I look forward to getting more Master’s Men chapters involved in this vital role at the convention.”
Explore God’s Mighty Hand
WNAC invites women to explore the wonders of God’s Mighty Hand. Focusing on 1 Peter 5:6-10, throughout the next year, women will look at four aspects of God’s hand at work in people's lives. Fall 2012 studies emphasize His humbling hand, exploring the problem of pride, and Christ’s example of humility.
During winter months, women will turn to the Old Testament to observe God’s caring hand. His care of strangers and slaves, widows, orphans and the fatherless presents a compelling challenge and seeks to clear current confusion concerning the character of the God of the Old Testament.

Spring studies deal with spiritual warfare, exploring God’s power and the promise of victory believers can claim over the enemy. Summer 2013 offers an in-depth look at God’s gracious hand through the life and writings of Peter.
WNAC offers a complete program for women’s ministry in Free Will Baptist churches, regardless of size or demographics. Treasure, WNAC’s quarterly study guide, provides ongoing women’s Bible studies, that serve as the core for its ministries. WNAC also publishes an annual Program and Plan Book filled with helps, resources, and creative ideas for women’s ministry leaders.
Both of these are available for purchase either online at wnac.org or by phone: 877-767-7662.
In addition, WNAC offers a variety of free resources for women and teen girls through its website, www.wnac.org. WNAC seeks to help women fulfill the Great Commission through God-designed roles in the home, church, community, and world.