January 2012
Dare to Disciple
news from master's Men and WNAC
Master's Men has organized men's ministry for the National Association of Free Will Baptists since 1955. Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC), an auxiliary arm of the denomination, has coordinated the collaborative efforts of Free Will Baptist women since 1934.
Marriage Enrichment Conferences Offer a Weekend Away
Antioch, TN—Master’s Men and WNAC invite couples to a weekend of retreat and renewal. Two dates in two different locations offer couples flexibility in planning. Conferences are scheduled for February 17-19 at the Doubletree Hotel in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and March 23-25 at the Grand Plaza Hotel in Branson, Missouri.

Both weekends will follow the same format and feature Brother Joe Grizzle as speaker. Well known among Free Will Baptists, Brother Grizzle and his wife Billie not only enjoy a lasting marriage, but they have also guided and encouraged countless couples throughout their years of ministry at CrossPointe Free Will Baptist Church (formerly First FWB Church) of Norman, Oklahoma.
The weekend conferences run Friday evening through Sunday noon and include scheduled sessions, pocketed times for interaction and fellowship, a free afternoon for rest and/or exploring the area, a Saturday night banquet and Sunday morning worship.
Cost for the Conference is $300 per couple. This price includes registration, all program fees, two nights lodging and the Saturday night banquet meal. Registration deadline is January 17 for the weekend in Chattanooga and February 22 for the April event. Couples may register by phone or online at www.fwbmastersmen.org. For more information call 877-767-8039 or email masters@nafwb.org.
Shine 75! Sending Them Out through the Seminaries
By Larry A. Powell, Home Missions Director
Free Will Baptist ministry among Hispanic people continues to thrive. Rick Bowling, who oversees Hispanic ministries for Home Missions, recently reported 33 new congregations nationwide. The single most influential factor in this surge of church growth and ministry development among Hispanics involves Free Will Baptist seminaries.
Free Will Baptist seminaries in Altamira and Reynosa, Mexico, have trained and sent out hundreds of Christian missionaries, ministers, and leaders. The Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Institute, with campus located in Inman, South Carolina, has produced 130 missionaries, ministers, and lay workers. Satellite seminaries in Johnson City, Tennessee, Houston, Texas, and Los Angeles, California, have graduated 178 lay leaders, missionaries, and ministers who have gone to work in the fields of the Lord.

Fernando Bustamante and his family have begun four mission works in South Carolina. Seminary graduates Jose and Suhey Correa sustain a tremendous mission in Puerto Rico with numerous community outreaches. Alfredo Botello and sons Gamaliel and Israel (pictured above) oversee three outstanding mission works in Oklahoma, and Rufo Gomez has spearheaded mission works in and around Lexington, Kentucky.
In addition, Andres Sancho pastors an outstanding church in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hector Perez now teaches in an institute, and Luis Nunez, a graduate of the institute, is now pastoring. Many more seminarians all across the United States are preaching, “Jesús Salva” (Jesus Saves) to the millions of Hispanic people in our homeland. What an opportunity to partner in this evangelistic effort. Let’s win them to Christ!
In 2010, Women Nationally Active for Christ initiated Shine 75!, a national project “lighting the way for a new day of ministry among Spanish-speakers.” Women set a goal of raising $75,000 with gifts to be divided equally among these three North American seminaries. As Home Missions director, my heart is grateful for WNAC and their vision and passion to support seminaries in Mexico and the United States. This financial support will ensure that these seminaries continue to train workers for the vast harvest fields in North America.
May God enable women to reach this goal! Literally thousands of precious souls will hear the gospel because of their generosity and through the outreach of the seminaries. For more information on how you can contribute to this worthy project visit www.wnac.org/ or call 877-767-7662.