September 2011
About ONE
news from master's Men and WNAC
Master's Men has organized men's ministry for the National Association of Free Will Baptists since 1955. Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC), an auxiliary arm of the denomination, has coordinated the collaborative efforts of Free Will Baptist women since 1934.
Michigan Women Provide Over $14,000 in Mission Household Goods
Antioch, TN—Michigan Women Active for Christ donated and delivered over $14,000 worth of goods for the Steward Missionary Provision Closet. The Closet, an ongoing ministry of WNAC, supplies new household goods, appliances, and gift cards for Free Will Baptist international and home missionary families, Bible institutes and other mission-related endeavors, all at no cost to missionaries or mission agencies.

Michigan WAC field worker Katy Taylor and her husband Rudy brought the trailer-full of gifts to the WNAC offices early Saturday morning, April 23. WNAC Director Elizabeth Hodges and husband Eddie, along with FWBIM missionaries Sam and June McVay, welcomed the Michigan guests. The three couples worked together most of the day, sorting goods and stocking Closet shelves.
Since the Closet’s inception in 1962, Michigan WAC has led the way in this effort. Women in the Wolverine State stockpile items throughout the year to bring to their annual WAC state meeting. Volunteers load the items and make the 10-hour trip to personally deliver the goods. WAC groups participating in this year’s effort include Harmony, Comstock, Benton Harbor, North Warren, Central, Woodhaven, Heritage, Rouge, Trinity, Ten Mile, First FWB of Hazel Park, Pontiac, FWB Chapel and Kirby.
Master’s Men Sponsors Trip to Alaska
North Pole, Alaska—Master’s Men sponsored a men’s missions/fishing trip July 2-9. The
trip began with Sunday worship at Northern Lights FWB Church where Ron Wallace pastors.
The church treated the visitors to an adventurous meal of moose, bear, reindeer, halibut,
and other local flavor.
On Monday, the 16-person team of volunteers removed the existing church entrance
and replaced it with a larger, wheelchair-friendly ramp. The next morning, they embarked
on a seven-hour trip to Valdez where they enjoyed several days of good fishing before returning
to the church to finish the work project.
“We had a great time,” said Director Ken Akers, “and I am thankful for the men who participated in this trip, especially for their cooperation and hard work.”
North Carolina Church Finishes Scholarships
Jacksonville, NC—“How much more would it take?” inquired Larry Haggard, pastor of First FWB Church, Jacksonville, NC, after WNAC Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges shared pictures and information about 2010 Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship recipients with this congregation. Adriana Evangelista da Silva, Alexsandra de Paula, Ana Paula de Carvalto, and Daniela Emiliano each received gifts to cover 18 months of tuition costs at Free Will Baptist Bible institutes in Brazil. The North Carolina church now plans to fund the remaining amount for each woman’s two-year study program.
Named in honor of the former WNAC leader, the scholarship provides financial assistance for promising Free Will Baptist individuals pursuing ministry training within their own countries or geographic regions. Delegates to the WNAC Convention annually select and approve recipients based on recommendations from Free Will Baptist mission leadership. Scholarship amounts vary according to need and available funds (gifts designated within that year).
Pray, Give, Exercise
Antioch, TN—Women’s groups across the nation will bend their knees and stretch their vision during the 2011 Pre-Thanksgiving Week of Prayer for National Home Missions, November 14-18. In coordination with the “Body Builders” theme, this year’s event offers women opportunity to exercise prayer and giving through fitness-related activities. The annual five-day prayer observance promotes focused intercession for Free Will Baptist Home Missions needs throughout North America and encourages giving to the Mission: North America Offering. Last year, WAC groups contributed over $8,000 to this special offering.
WNAC observes two weeks of prayer each year in conjunction with seasonal holidays: Pre-Easter Week of Prayer for World Missions in the spring and Pre-Thanksgiving Week of Prayer for National Home Missions in the fall. WNAC also encourages women’s groups to designate a third week of prayer for state-sponsored Free Will Baptist mission efforts. For more information or to request free Pre-Thanksgiving Week of Prayer resources, email office@wnac.org or call 877-767-7662.
WNAC Thanks Faithful Supporters
Antioch, TN—Women Nationally Active for Christ ended the fiscal year in the black, thanks to generous gifts from churches and individuals. Support for the WNAC office totaled $127,078.30, including $3,397 given through Together Way/Rest of the Family offerings. The rest came largely through designated gifts to the general fund, faith promise support and the WNAC Mother’s Day Emphasis Offering, as well as money collected in membership fees and earnings from the Marjorie Workman Endowment. These monies, coupled with budget cuts and concerted cost-saving measures enabled WNAC ministries to cover daily operational costs, office rental, equipment and supplies, salaries, resource development, and promotional travel.