Oct/Nov 2006

missions in mexico
by Larry A. Powell
To learn more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit www.homemisions.net. |
Executive Secretary Keith Burden and I recently landed in Tampico, Mexico, and stepped from the plane into 104-degree heat—a warm welcome indeed. The reason for our visit was the 46th annual meeting of the Mexico National Association of Free Will Baptists. Brother Burden addressed the convention with three inspirational messages based on the convention theme, “The Foundation of the Church.”
Mexico Association of Free Will Baptists
The association met at the convention center on the campus of the Bible Institute in Altamira. The facility stands as a marvelous tribute to the dedication of our Mexican churches that worked together to build it. When completed, it will seat one thousand people. Attendance topped 800 on Sunday morning as we rejoiced to hear of many precious souls saved in new mission works across Mexico. God has blessed the leadership of Moderator Inocente Pacheco.

The Association of Mexico, Free Will Baptists
On Saturday, we traveled seven hours north to the border city of Reynosa and met with the leaders of the Association of Mexico on the seminary campus. The new association is growing rapidly under the leadership of Moderator Luis Felipe Tijerina. It was my pleasure to speak to a crowd of more than 200. I received a copy of the first translation of the Bible in Nahuath—a major language among the Huasteca people of Southern Mexico. Pastor Rev. Orlando Bautista was instrumental in translating this Bible for the hundreds of thousands who speak this dialect in the Mexican state of Hidalgo.
Partnerships in Mexico
We thank God for the many FWB churches that travel into Mexico each year, building churches and participating in outreach efforts. Numerous youth groups have assisted our mission work in Mexico. The ministry of Free Will Baptists in Mexico is making great strides. To God be the glory!
Larry A. Powell is the general director of the Free Will Baptist National Home Missions Department. Contact Larry at larry@nafwb.org. |