
don't miss your chance
by Richard Adams
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department (now North American Ministries), please visit www.FWBNAM.com. |
DURING MORE THAN 20 YEARS of pastoring I learned many valuable lessons, especially in the area of giving. Our church had many opportunities to give. Some were better than others but all worth considering. Sometimes, it was difficult to choose the best option.
I quickly learned I didn’t have to protect the pocketbooks of my church members. They did a good job themselves. But I also learned that the more our church gave, the more God blessed.
I always tried to set the example in giving. I taught our people to be generous, and they were always generous with me. When a pastor is stingy, his congregation will be stingy as well.
Some pastors think that giving to outside causes takes money away from their church. We found that the more we gave, the more our own offerings increased. A love offering did not decrease our own offerings. Church members must choose whether to give or not to give. When you pass the offering plate, you provide an opportunity for those who want to give. If others choose not to give, that simply is their choice.

On November 19, we ask churches to take the opportunity to help Home Missions reach North America with the gospel. Last year, only 338 of our Free Will Baptist churches nationwide gave an offering. That means that more than 2,000 churches missed a wonderful opportunity to give.
On November 19, you have an opportunity to help reach Judea and Samaria (North America). National Home Missions, under the leadership of General Director Larry Powell, is planting Bible believing churches across the nation. Don’t miss an opportunity to be part of their efforts. And it doesn’t matter if the offering is small. Every dime is crucial to the work of Home Missions.
God has blessed the department with several new missionary families, and they need our support. Let’s join hands with these men and women and reach North America with the gospel.
Don’t miss the opportunity to receive an offering on Benjamin Randall Sunday, November 19, 2006.
Dr. Richard Adams is director of development for the Free Will Baptist Home Missions Department.