As I considered all the miles, messages, and meetings, I asked myself, "Has it been worth it?"
a million miles
by David Crowe
Many significant milestones mark different phases of life. They include kindergarten, first date, first job, high school and college graduations, marriage, first child, first grandchild, and others. Each milestone marks a part of life that has been completed and points to the markers ahead. This process continues until we pass the marker called death and finally see Heaven.
Milestones vary for each individual depending upon opportunities and occupations. This is true of those involved in ministry. As an ordained minister, I have passed many milestones over the last 32 years of my ministry including first sermon, first revival, first pastorate, first funeral, and first wedding.
Earlier this year, while reflecting on the milestones along the way, it occurred to me that, Lord willing, I would pass three very significant milestones this year:
1,000,000 miles. Delta airlines contacted me earlier this year. They informed me that I was only 15,000 miles away from one million miles flown on Delta. (No wonder I know most of the Nashville Delta employees by name.) Delta said that I would join an elite group of travelers called Million Milers and would receive several perks because of my loyalty.
As I thought about those million miles on Delta, I began to consider all the miles traveled in ministry. I have flown on over 10 other airlines besides Delta logging over 500,000 miles on them, and I have worn out several cars driving thousands of miles to meetings, visiting hospitals and nursing homes, and a host of other ministry-related reasons.
10,000 sermons. I pulled out all my old calendars and journals and realized that if I preach all the services I have scheduled this year, I will have preached over 10,000 times in 32 years of ministry. I know that some of you are thinking that I preached the same 10 sermons 1,000 times each, but that’s not true!
Those sermons represent a lot of preparation and perspiration. Some time ago, my doctor told me I needed to start walking every day. I tried to tell him that I preach almost every day, and I get between one and two miles per sermon, but he didn’t get it.
1,000 meetings. This year I will have preached more than 1,000 meetings in revivals, camp meetings, mission and bible conferences, youth camps and crusades. As I considered all the miles, the messages, and the meetings, this thought came to mind. Has it been worth it?
Has it been worth the weariness, the disappointments, the discouragements, and the defeats? Has it been worth the loneliness, the misunderstandings, and the battles? God began to remind me of all the souls saved, lives changed, families brought back together, and Christians encouraged.
Then God reminded me of how blessed I am to have been in over 1,000 different Free Will Baptist churches, to have met hundreds of missionaries, preachers, and pastors. God has blessed me with the privilege of meeting thousands of Free Will Baptist families all across North America. So, has it been worth it? A million times yes! The Free Will Baptist denomination is blessed with some of the finest preachers, pastors, and missionaries you will find in any group of believers. We have some of the most talented musicians, singers, and teachers you will find within the body of Christ.
At 51 years of age, the largest part of my life and ministry are behind me. I want to make the best of the time God allows me on earth. Like the apostle Paul, my goal is always to press toward the mark. God placed me in the Home Missions Department to minister for more than 14 years thus far. If my life ends today, it has been a great trip with the Lord and with Free Will Baptists! My destination in Heaven is looking clearer and closer each day God leaves me here.
About the Writer: David Crowe is director of development for the Home Missions Department. Learn more about the ministry of Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.