June-July 2013
God's Hands

Simple words of advice from someone who learned...
How to Stay Married 50 Years
by Jack Williams
Marry the right girl and stay married to her.
Remind her every day she’s beautiful, and that you love her; keep her car gassed and arrange for her to visit a hair stylist regularly.
Keep God first in your life and your wife second.
Never forget her birthday or anniversary. Make your own memories as a couple, and enjoy them.
Take her to the Free Will Baptist national convention every July. It’s like a big family reunion filled with music, worship, handshakes, and the Lord’s business. Janis and I have now attended 42 consecutive conventions from California to Florida, Atlanta to Detroit.
If you have children, let them live their own lives and make their own decisions.
Sit with her in church when possible. Do the heavy lifting at the grocery store.
Help her learn to appreciate cowboy movies, especially The Searchers, starring John Wayne.
Introduce her to Louis L’Amour books beginning with The Last of the Breed.
Remember that her job as wife and mother never ends. She is always on a tight schedule.
Encourage her to drink McDonald’s coffee and cook blackened catfish. Pick up the tree limbs in the yard so she won’t have to do it.
Write her frequent notes.
Surprise her with unexpected cash when possible.
Find her favorite restaurant and take her there at least once a month.
Keep your promises to her.
About the Writer: Jack and Janis Williams have been married 51 years. They have two children and four grandchildren. Jack is director of communications at Welch College.