
Mark this moment
by Ron Hunter, Director, Randall House Publications |
As a former U.S. Army Infantry officer, it gave me great confidence to know that other countries around the world desired to use the weapon I carried—the M-16 rifle. I am sure fighter pilots feel the same sense of pride as the F-16 and F-18 aircraft set new standards for fighter jets around the world. Whether choosing weapons, tools, appliances, or automobiles—we want the best and most dependable.
The same is true of Sunday school curriculum; people want quality. Even in its beginning stages, other churches, movements, and groups are taking note of CLEAR™ curriculum. Every teacher and church wants their small groups and Sunday school classes to have biblical substance and application. Unlike appliances, weapons, or aircraft, the curriculum we choose will pay eternal dividends.
January 19, 2005 marked a historic day for the General Conference of the Western Division of Free Will Baptists and the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Leaders of both denominations met in Nashville. Hosted by Randall House, the leaders of the Western Division Conference also toured other national agencies including the Executive Office, International Missions, Home Missions, Board of Retirement, The Free Will Baptist Foundation, Master’s Men, Women Nationally Active for Christ, and Free Will Baptist Bible College.
Keith Kenemer, Senior Account Executive at Randall House cultivated this relationship and invited Bishop Captville and nine other leaders from the Western Division to meet with the management team of Randall House. We shared our philosophy of Christian Education and explained how we built and shaped CLEAR™ in very specific and functional ways. The result was wonderful fellowship, shared vision, and increased desire to reach more people for Christ’s kingdom. We enjoyed a chapel service together, with Keith Burden delivering the message. As we met with God that morning, everyone felt the significance of the event—knowing this new journey would impact several generations.
Contracts were signed naming CLEAR™ the official Sunday school curriculum for the General Conference of the Western Division of Free Will Baptists. As many as one thousand churches could purchase CLEAR™ immediately. We look forward to continued expansion and ministry among new people from all classes and groups. I am excited to obey the Great Commission as God brings incredible people to our doorstep.
The Western Division of Free Will Baptists is only one of several denominations considering CLEAR™, because they want the best curriculum in the hands of their people. This can only strengthen Free Will Baptists. We will see more groups choose CLEAR™ because it teaches spiritual values effectively when taught and practiced correctly. Mark this moment! The Western Division is the first of many to come. We count it an honor to serve them and to partner with them in kingdom ministry.
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