December 2018–
January 2019
(Ephesians 4:12)

Just a Little Stone
By David Williford
It was just a rock. It had been in the stream for a long time, the constant flow of water shaping it smooth and round. Many had walked by or over it as they forded the small stream, paying no attention.
Then one day, a young man stopped and examined the stone. He picked it up, along with four other stones, and put them in his bag. That small stone no one had ever noticed was about to change history. It would be remembered forever because David the shepherd picked it up and used it to destroy a giant.
Few people, as they surveyed the battle that day, saw deliverance in the shape of a small, round stone. But they forgot God delights in using small, insignificant things that few notice to make huge impacts. We’re guilty of the same thing. We get excited about the big, the spectacular, the flashy, and we forget that often, the greatest impact is made by the small and ordinary that God uses to do spectacular things.
For example, Welch College typically raises more than $1.3 million in gift income each year. Would it surprise you to know the median gift amount to Welch is $25? Yes, you read it right—$25. Welch has some donors who make large contributions each year, but the reality is most of our gifts come from people of modest means who give consistently because they believe in the mission of Welch College. That is, they believe in the young people at Welch College.
For many years I signed the gift receipt letters for our donors, and there were names I came to know well, because they gave every month. Most of those who gave monthly did so through a bank draft or recurring credit card gift. We knew we could depend on them. They showed their faithfulness month after month.
In a staff meeting earlier this year we were talking about those folks and the impact they make in the lives of students. They have impacted pastors who continue to fill pulpits, missionaries scattered around the world, and laity who serve their local church as deacons, Sunday School teachers, worship leaders, children’s church workers, and in a myriad of other ways. My local church has numerous laymen, graduates of Welch, who serve in many areas. Each was touched by the faithful giving of individuals who consistently invested in the lives of Welch students.
As an advancement team, we decided we wanted to do two things: 1) honor these faithful givers and 2) encourage others to join their ranks. To do that, we are forming The Torchbearer Club.
Torchbearers are individuals or families who commit to become monthly donors through a bank draft or automated credit card gift of at least $25 per month. The Torchbearer Club members are honored by the college by receiving a Welch College tee shirt, discounted admission to Flames athletic events, a special reception at the annual Bible Conference/Forum event, and an e-newsletter to keep them apprised of what is happening in the college community.

Monthly giving allows you to give larger gifts than you might imagine. A $25 per month gift allows you to give $300 per year. $50 per month provides a $600 annual gift. And a monthly gift of $83.34 lets you make a $1,000-per-year contribution!
Honestly, I realize many people can’t write a check for a one-time gift of $300, $500, or $1,000. But when those amounts are broken into monthly sums, they become much more doable. Why not join this group today? I’m a member, and I’d like for you to join me.
Together we will make an eternal difference. Lives will be changed and eternities altered because of our giving. Our team would like to invite you to be a part of this special group. Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are touching the lives of young people who, in turn, touch the world around them with the good news of Jesus Christ. To join, simply email Derek Altom at daltom@welch.edu or call him at 615-675-5262. He will be more than happy to help you.
You may think your gift is small and will not make a difference, but that’s not true. Like the small, smooth stone in the hands of David, your faithful gifts to Welch College will be empowered by the hand of the Lord, and He will use them to defeat spiritual giants, tear down strongholds of Satan, and bring victory to the Kingdom of God.
Join us. And together, let’s go destroy some Goliaths.
About the Writer: David Williford is vice president for
institutional advancement at Welch College. Learn more: