September 2014
Family: It Matters

Just Like Family
by Marie Drakulic
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me
in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:18-19a).
Something miraculous happened at my house this weekend.
The “Latté Ladies,” our women's ministry, met at my house for breakfast and Bible study. You may think this sounds mundane, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You see, between bites of pancake and sips of coffee, discipleship happened.
In the little over a year since we began this Bible study, I have come to love these women just like my own family. They have been a blessing to me in so many ways—helping, praying, encouraging, laughing, relating, fellowshipping, sharing—the list goes on. Yet, possibly my favorite thing about this group of women is their willingness to be brutally honest. They aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions, and they are truly seeking the answers.
I often think of Phillip when he asked the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:30 if he understood what he was reading. Only, I feel helpless at times to answer their questions. Sometimes, I honestly have to say, “I don’t know.” They challenge me to dig deeper into God’s Word and seek His face. Their burdens have become my burdens, and these wonderful women are constantly on my heart.
“Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers” (3 John 1:5).
Although the Latté Ladies aren’t my children, I feel abundant joy in seeing them grow in grace. Just thinking about them and how they have grown brings a smile to my face. Nothing makes me happier than to see them experience Christ in a real and personal way. I think of the grieving mother who is just beginning to heal. I think of one who has served in the church for many years and is now seeing Christ move in new ways in her life. I think of a hurting mother who is learning to love her kids again. And, it doesn’t stop there! The light of God is shining through these women into their homes. God is using them to reach their families for His glory.
So, I rejoice in hearing that an unbelieving husband took his kids to church for the first time. I praise the Lord for the husband who has been saved and is following in believer’s baptism. What amazing joy I have in seeing a stony heart softened by the gospel—the gospel being lived in her life. What a privilege to be a part of something so incredible! I am humbled to know God chose me to lead them, to disciple them.
At times, I feel inadequate. After all, I am far from perfect, and my family has its own problems. How can I possibly help another when sometimes I don’t know how to help myself? I find hope and encouragement from Jesus’ words in the Book of Luke: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (18:27). By becoming a vessel for God to use, He can work through me to do works greater than I.
Last Saturday, that is exactly what He did. The Potter took a scarred, broken pot and used it for His glory. As I sat with tears streaming down my face, I looked around the table at each of the women in the group, and my heart was crushed with love for them. After battling my own demons and fruitlessly arguing with God, He brought me healing. We didn’t end that day knowing the answers to our hardest questions, but we grew one step closer to knowing the character of God.
As the time drew to a close that day, I challenged the ladies (myself included) to “be Jesus with skin on.” It is the same challenge I share with you through this article. Someone—or many people—you know needs to see Jesus in your life. It may be a family member, friend, neighbor, or another person in your church who is hurting and searching for answers. Don’t expect to have all the answers, but God can and still wants to use you in another's life. He is calling you to surrender your will to His purposes. Sometimes, He will call you to pray at an altar with someone or share God’s Word with her; other times, God calls you to serve humbly or to meet a need in their lives. When you allow Him to take the brokenness of your own life into His capable hands, He can do something far greater than you can imagine.
Discipleship is a beautiful thing. Christ set the example for us when He surrendered His rightful place on a heavenly throne and knelt before fallen creation to serve and to save. God calls each of His followers to “go and make disciples.” No one is exempt from this calling. If you have been mercifully and wonderfully saved by the grace of Jesus, then, it is your turn to serve through discipleship. God can bring a miracle to your home, too.
“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God and went to God; he riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments, and took a towel, and girdeth himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:3-5a).
About the Writer: Marie Drakulic and her husband Tony are team members with Daryl Grimes, planting Flagship FWB Church in Erie, Pennsylvania. Learn more: www.flagshipchurch.com.