leading the way: news from
the field
by Larry Powell
Find out more about Free Will Baptist Home
Missions at www.homemissions.net.
While I don’t have the space to share news from every Home Missionary church planter, let me give you a snippet from several fields. All our church planters are working hard and God is granting them success in winning families to our Lord Jesus.
Tommy and Pam Jones, Nate and Jenna Altom, and members of the Keystone FWB Church in Greensburg, PA, are making great connections with young families through flag football games. Nine first-time visitors have attended a mission service, and most are unsaved. The mission church is in the process of buying a building for renovation that has 5,000 square feet of space. Operation Saturation teams recently blanketed their communities with church invitation materials.
Tim and Lori Byers in Ashtabula, Ohio, had a high of 123 young people and children in Vacation Bible School this year. Tim and Lori are reaching the community through youth activities. The mission softball team has played a major role in connecting with young families. Their giant fall festival has helped reach the community with the message of salvation. Brother Tim preaches from his wheelchair, and he presses on with great determination.
Serenity Free Will Baptist Church, pastored by Jeff and Donna Crabtree in Fredericton, NB, Canada plans to be self-supporting at the end of 2009. The church has attractive and inviting facilities located on 17 acres of beautiful land in New Brunswick fronting the Trans Canada Highway. However, the most beautiful thing about the church is the faithful church family. Jeff has a vision of starting several new mission churches in the area and a Bible Institute to prepare Canadians to reach Canadians with the good news.

Photo: Summit Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Ogden Utah
Tim and Jessica Lewis in Ogden, Utah, have seen their church attendance double since they were given a beautiful elementary school facility with 25,000 square feet of meeting space. A Christian businessman attending the church purchased the school in a great community and gave it to the Summit Chapel FWB Church. God has granted Tim and Jessica success in a heavily populated Mormon city. They recently baptized four new converts.
Paul and Patricia Collins in Harrisonburg, Virginia, have established a strong mission work. Earlier this year, I stood with Paul on eight of the most beautiful acres in the area. The new building will be seen for miles around—a church on the hill overlooking the city. Brother Paul is securing the permits to construct a tremendous facility. Thanks to the mission’s faithful congregation and the Virginia Mission Board’s generous financial support, Harrisonburg, Virginia will soon have a vibrant Free Will Baptist church.
John and Cheryl Reed in Green Bay, Wisconsin, average more than 80 people in worship on Sundays. Monthly mission offerings are very strong. John enjoys a wonderful recovery ministry in the community. His zeal for the work is unsurpassed. Thanks to everyone who has helped renovate the new facilities. The mission has visitors almost every Sunday, and many have been saved and baptized. God is giving success in Green Bay.
This is only a small part of the never-ending story of God’s blessings on our church planters. In the next issue, we will visit the Rocky Mountain region and witness huge blessings from God and more exciting news from the harvest fields.