December - January 2023
Lighting the Darkness

The column "Leadership Whiteboard" provides a short visual leadership coaching moment. It introduces and explains a new sketch in each issue, provides leadership coaching for further development, and shares a leadership quote and recommended book.
Using Your "Super Powers"
Growing up, what superhero did you want to be? Every generation has its own group of superheroes. Your age may determine if you identify with DC or Marvel superheroes. If you find these two categories foreign, you most likely wanted to be Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, or Aqua Man. (If you always pretended to be the Joker, Thanos, Lex Luthor, Magneto, Loki, or Doctor Doom, maybe this column is not for you.)
People find themselves drawn to certain heroes primarily based on their superpowers. Did you want claws like Wolverine? To spin webs like Spider-Man, deflect bullets with your bracelets like Wonder Woman, or shoot photon blasts like Captain Marvel? Though we all had our favorites, did you notice no individual caped character had all the superpowers? As a result, they worked in groups: the Justice League, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Incredibles, and the Avengers. These super-talented individuals with unique skills combined to make an even stronger team. While we know some heroes envied the superpowers of others, the group was more substantial because their abilities differed.

When leaders recognize three superhero characteristics, their leadership goes to a new level. First, your skills, though significant enough to reach your position, are not enough to sustain the mission. Second, lean on the team around you because you do not possess uber-leader powers alone. Third (and most important), hire to your weaknesses. Bringing people to your team requires more than hiring another “mini-me” (people who think like you and get along with you).
If you are astute enough to recognize your deficiencies, you know gaps exist and you need someone to provide that missing strength. We need Wonder Woman when Superman deals with kryptonite. And we all have kryptonite areas. If you're comfortable enough under your bulletproof cape, ask your team where you are not as strong. They know!
Scripture taught us all these principles long before the creators of Marvel and DC. A three-fold cord brings way more strength than one; the eye cannot be the ear, and none of us possess all the spiritual gifts equally. No one sees us as uber-Christian or super leaders.
Surround yourself with capable team members and trust their strengths. Acknowledge your weaknesses, and never fear those who disagree with you. If you require absolute compliance from everyone under your authority, you're not leading; you're dictating! Build your team biblically and trust their superpowers.
