September 2017
Church and Home

The column "Leadership Whiteboard" provides a short visual leadership coaching moment. It introduces and explains a new sketch in each issue, provides leadership coaching for further development, and shares a leadership quote and recommended book.
Leadership Occurs Within Relationships
Without following, there would be no leading. Therefore, the title of leader does not apply when no follower has been inspired to pursue a given direction. Leadership, by its very essence, occurs within relationships. Titles, ivory towers, ties, suits, platforms, and tenure do not distinguish one as a leader. Only when people passionately follow one’s ideas, example, and values is he or she a leader. One does not declare himself a leader; the evidence is in relationships.
Every person has natural God-given bents to pursue tasks or relationships. The place one gets energy or reward is either from connecting with others or checking assignments off the list. You might be a leader if you find excitement from a big challenge, but only when you can rally other people to tackle that challenge will others view you as a leader.

The image above shows a leader in a circle of workers or followers. The leader worked ahead of time with the plans, considering many of the details, but when implementing made room for others to own and improve the plans. Each follower knows he or she makes an important contribution, and the end result is a team effort. Face-to-face and shoulder-to-shoulder demonstrates a great leadership posture. The leader likewise acknowledges that significant accomplishments are not individual efforts. Leadership only works within healthy relationships.
Recommended Book
Leadership Quote
My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.—Field Marshall
Bernard Montgomery
About the Columnist: Ron Hunter Jr. has served as the director of Randall House Publications for 14 years, and has led the organization into family ministry initiatives for the past 12 years.