June-July 2015
Interface: Make the Connection

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Paul Etterling
When reading this column (or any biography), look for the “people behind the people.” You can always spot the power of influence. Paul Etterling (pictured above with his family) is a perfect example of key people cultivating his life, creating a servant leader in him.
Paul grew up under the ministry of Forrest (Tary) Chamberlin at Porter FWB Church in Portsmouth, Ohio. An entire article could be written on the influence of the 200-year-old Porter Church established in 1817. Paul’s Uncle Blaine and Pastor Tary developed in him a hunger for a deeper knowledge of God through their preaching. His mom and dad were very involved in church, and as
Paul states, “They were part of the most impactful moments in my life. I never had to wonder if they would show up at school activities; they were always there. They supported me even when they did not agree with me.”
Paul was not planning to go into ministry, but when he was in his early 20s, the pastor asked various men to teach on Wednesdays and included Paul. During his preparation, God impressed on him the call to ministry. Paul and his wife Frances have been married since 1997 and continue to minister in their native state. He is lead pastor at Westerville FWB Church, where he served as youth pastor and assistant pastor under Mike Mounts from 2002-2007.
He has a desire to help people, especially the broken who need someone to love them unconditionally. Paul’s patient demeanor provides opportunities to listen, counsel, and help others with specific issues.
You would never know Paul once struggled with public speaking. He has a knack for inspiring others by casting vision carefully to inspire people toward the goal. Paul invests in others and helps nurture them, which shows him to be a healthy, unselfish leader.
Paul, You are a great leader!
Get to Know Paul...
Do you have kids (with one-word descriptions)?
Kylie Marie, age 14 – Responsible
David Nathaniel – Home with Jesus
Joel Phillip, age 9 – Rambunctious
What does your ideal date look like? An evening alone without the kids and a quiet dinner at the Montgomery Inn, followed by an evening at a Columbus Ballet Met Performance or a movie.
What do people misunderstand about you? I am a reserved person, so I think it is hard for people to see the passion I have for God, His Word, His Church, and lost people.
What books have you read in the last six months?
Preventing Ministry Failure by Michael Todd Wilson and Brad Hoffman
Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller
The People Principle by Stan Toler
East of Jerusalem by Will Beauchamp
What are your top three books of all time? (other than the Bible)
Choosing to Cheat by Andy Stanley
The Book on Leadership by Dr. John MacArthur
Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller
What would you like to see in Free Will Baptists in five or ten years?
I would love to see Free Will Baptists become a nationally recognized voice regarding the issues of our day. I want us to be that voice that is not known for what it stands against but for what it stands for. Postmodernism is about relationships and wants to know that something is real and genuine. In becoming that voice, we need to become the role model by reaching people in practical ways rather than shoving our arguments in their face.
Paper or Plastic
Fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction
Music or talk radio? Talk radio
Sushi or burger? Burger
Facebook, email, Pinterest, Twitter, or texting? Twitter
Tie or no tie? No Tie
Mac or PC? PC…although I do preach from an iPad. |