January 2015
Passing the Torch

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Josh Baer
Growing up with a healthy, biblical support system does not automatically create spiritual maturity, but it does provide some real advantages. Born in Ohio, Josh grew up in Virginia and North Carolina, spending his teen years at Hilltop FWB Church in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, and then Faith FWB Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Josh’s parents, youth pastors, and overall environment provided a nurturing setting where Christ-like behavior and attitudes were modeled.
Although his parents have sacrificed to be in full-time Christian ministry, Josh does not remember a sense of martyrdom but joy from his mom and dad. Their simple, dedicated life was the foundation, and youth pastors Jeff Jones and Christian Powell built upon that framework in Josh’s journey through adolescence.
It was during his teenage and college years that Josh felt the calling of God to pursue full-time Christian ministry. While at Southeastern FWB College, men like Danny Dwyer, Johnny Sexton, Bruce Barnes, and Mark Going provided exemplary leadership for Josh to find God’s will. Josh married Kristie, also from Goldsboro, whom he describes as “a godly Christian wife and mother and my best friend and confidant.”
Josh graduated with a degree in sacred music and worked for the college in promotion and the music department but felt the call toward pastoral leadership growing.
For the past ten years, Josh has worked under Dr. Danny Dwyer at Cramerton FWB Church, serving as associate pastor and minister of music. In addition, Josh is the acting administrator of Cramerton Christian Academy. Josh knows God is directing him to be a pastor one day and is pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Leadership from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
While Josh has the notoriety of playing on two national television game shows, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and “Wheel of Fortune,” winning a large dollar amount, he quickly points out that finding Christ, marrying Kristie, and pursuing God’s direction in life are the greater rewards.
Josh grew up Free Will Baptist, but he has chosen to stay because of his own beliefs in who we are, and he is thankful for Free Will Baptists who invested in his life and ministry.
Josh, You are a great leader!
Get to Know Josh
What is your ideal date?
We are wannabe foodies, so we enjoy saving up and enjoying a nice dinner around Charlotte followed by some musical theater production.
What are the names, ages, and one-word descriptors for your children?
Meredith, age 14 – gifted
Jackson, age 10 – entertainer
Madison, age 5 – vibrant
What are your top three books of all time (other than the Bible)?
Center Church by Tim Keller
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
How would you describe your leadership style?
I hope to be a transformational servant leader, one who leads by example and inspires others to achieve a shared vision. I try to be collaborative with my team and sensitive to their perspectives and needs, yet keep the overall picture in mind when making organizational decisions. I hope others see these elements in my leadership style.
What do people misunderstand about you?
I tend to be more of an introvert. My silence can be mistaken for all kinds of things: apathy, pride, etc. I am trying to discipline myself to be more engaging.
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Ocean
Music or Talk Radio? Talk Radio
Coke or Pepsi? Coke Zero
Facebook, Email, twitter, or texting? Email
Mac or PC? PC
Socks or house shoes? Socks