October-November 2014
What's Next for Home Missions?

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Angie Outlaw
It was a memorable Sunday at the First FWB Church in Springfield, Ohio, in September 1972, when Floyd Wolfenbarger stepped down from the pulpit, grabbed a plate of Homecoming potluck, and headed to the hospital to meet his wife Yvonne to usher in the birth of their first and only child.
Angie’s introduction to the world solidified her connection to Free Will Baptists and the church. Raised in a pastor’s home in both Ohio and Arkansas, Angie learned early the lessons of obeying the call of God and finding security in following His plans.
Those early life lessons were put to the test when Angie and her mom moved to Tennessee after the tragic death of her father when she was only 12. This unexpected life change set off what Angie describes as “a stream of events that prepared me for a time of surrender to God’s calling on my life.” It was during her teen years in Nashville, with the influence of a strong youth group, and a specific moment on the 1989 YET Team, she firmly committed to the “wherever, whenever, whatever” of serving God.
She married her high school sweetheart David Outlaw, and together they signed a “blank check” to God and allowed Him to fill in the details of their future. Graduate school for David, a social work degree for Angie, and 13 years in youth and pastoral ministry set the backdrop for God’s plan to use them and their five children as missionaries in Central Asia.
Angie and David, with hearts for hospitality and discipleship, used their gifts on both sides of the ocean. She describes David as a kind-hearted, crazy-intelligent, big-idea guy, and sees her role as helping him work out those big ideas for the Kingdom. They currently serve stateside with FWBIM but continue to use their gifts and training to equip believers, families, and church leaders around the world.
Angie describes her life with five kids as “crazy…but good crazy.” When asked about her ideal setting for quiet time, she longs for an hour of solitude with worship music, a cup of hot tea, a lovely journal, and an assortment of highlighters!
But then she snaps back to the reality of five kids, an exchange student, and a constant flow of guests in and out of her home. She fights for every moment when she can retreat to her favorite chair and catch up on daily readings from the Chronological One-Year Bible. And when asked about prayer, Angie added, “I truly understand the words of the old hymn, ‘I Need Thee Every Hour.’” At this point in life, though, rather than having a sweet hour of prayer, I sprinkle it throughout the whole day.”
Angie, you are a great leader!
Get to Know Angie
What is your ideal date?
Food and books, anywhere without the kiddos.
What are the names, ages, and one-word descriptors for your children?
Carson, age 18 – Friendly
Tori, age 17 – Driven
Conner, age 14 – Writer
Schaffer, age 11 – Funny
Libby, age 9 – World-changer
What are your top three books of all time (other than the Bible)?
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith and Community by Dietrich
Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elizabeth Elliot
What is your biggest failure?
Trying to be perfect.
What would you like to see in regard to Free Will Baptists in five or ten years?
A group that still exists for my children and grandchildren that is a cooperative, diverse group of believers, tied by theology, not by methodology. One where our agencies work together with the sole purpose of raising up and equipping thousands of believers to engage culture, impact society, and take the gospel to the most unreached corners of the world…at whatever the cost!
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Mountains
Music or Talk Radio? Music
Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke
Facebook, email, twitter, or texting?
Mac or PC? PC…I know, I am lame.
Socks or house shoes? Bare feet