September 2014
Family: It Matters

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
David Potete
David Potete is almost a Chicago native…almost, but not quite. David’s parents lived in Chicago when he was born, but his dad knew that a birth cost less in Tennessee, so he sent David's mom to live with his grandmother when she was eight months along. The day after he was born, David and his mom returned to Chicago.
Both parents were believers, and from his dad David learned compassion, generosity, and giving ownership back to God. His mom passed along humility, concern, and sacrifice. While David loves being a pastor, he studied business in college and quickly acknowledges that God’s calling can lead to any career. He felt a call to large cities. When he saw no one going to Chicago, the city became his harvest field.
When talking about his quiet time, David describes it as a struggle to read Scripture without thinking about sermons or teaching. He prefers reading bigger portions of the Bible—entire books in one setting—and uses drive times for prayer.
David has been pastoring since 1983, specifically in Chicago since 1991. He describes his long-term goals in ministry simply: “I want to serve God in Chicago until I am old and be buried in the plots my wife and I bought…close to our favorite hotdog joint. If our health should decline, and God leads us away to a warmer climate, I want to help a young church leader plant a church in a large southern city—not in the suburbs.”
David, you are a great leader!
Get to Know David..
What is an ideal date for you and Pam?
Sounds corny, but because Pam does not work outside the home, she ministers right beside me as I make hospital visits, officiate at funerals, or visit the homebound. Just being with her all the time makes our whole life a date.
What are the names, ages, and brief description for your kids?
Becky, age 32 – Great wife and mom to four of my grandsons; serving in an Ohio church.
Julie, age 30 – Great wife and mom to my grandson; lives in Kentucky and works in a girls’ home.
Stephanie, age 24 – Just finished her master’s in social work.
James, age 14 – potential.
Who is your favorite author of all time?
It is about a 20-way tie!
What are your top three books of all time (other than the Bible)?
The Silver Chalice by Thomas B. Costain
The Prodigal God by Tim Keller
Where Love Is, There God Is Also by Leo Tolstoy
Do you exercise? How and what do you do?
I am a runner and a stair climber (urban mountains). Right now I am working through a knee injury, but will be running at least one more Chicago Marathon, so all four of my kids can have a medal from Dad. I want them to have a tangible reminder that Dad never quit and how finishing is important.
What is your favorite quote?
“You can tell whether you are becoming a servant by how you act when people treat you like one.” – Gordon MacDonald
Why Free Will Baptist?
Arminianism is biblical and logical. Our denomination was such an unbelievable blessing in helping us start the church in Chicago. I will be pestering many Free Will Baptists throughout eternity saying thank you over and over again. I really mean that.
What would you like to see in Free Will Baptists in 5 years or 10 years?
Making a truly concerted effort to plant churches and have a presence in the largest cities of our country and the world.
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Ocean
Music or Talk Radio? Music
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Facebook, Email, Twitter, or texting? Email…but I do the other three
Socks or house shoes? House shoes
Mac or PC? – What is PC? So Mac!