March 2014
Life on Purpose

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Adam Clagg
Most men are wired to “fix” things, but Adam Clagg acknowledges some of his biggest failures come when he tries to do that instead of simply trusting God. I asked Adam about his quiet time, and his answer was challenging to all pastors. He finds a relaxing spot on his screened porch and concentrates his reading in the Psalms. He chooses a Bible without any study notes, sharing, “It helps me stay focused and avoid wandering into sermon preparation.”
An ideal date for Adam and his wife Jenny revolves around a love for good food—dinner at a Japanese steakhouse or Cracker Barrel both qualify—and then catching one of their favorite television shows. One tradition they began as a couple is an annual trip to Disney World, now more enjoyable with their two kids. Adam describes Lilly (4 years old) as energetic and Hannah (10 months) as delightful.
Adam’s parents played an important part in his spiritual development. His father planted a church when Adam was a teenager. As a result, Adam worked in almost every position imaginable except women’s ministry director. This experience helped prepare him for God’s call to ministry. In 2000, Adam began to serve on staff at Covenant Church.
After graduating from Welch College in 2002, Adam went full time as associate pastor. Having completed his doctorate in education from Liberty University, Adam also serves as an online faculty member at Grand Canyon University. “I’ve always enjoyed local church ministry and I am humbled that God called me to be one of His few pastor-teachers in the community.”
Sadly, Adam’s father retired due to early on-set dementia. Adam stepped into his father’s shoes and has led the church since 2012. “My work as a pastor, professor (online faculty), and writer all flow from my calling,” Adam remarks. His faithfulness serves him well as a fourth-generation Free Will Baptist.
Adam, you are a great leader!
Get to Know Adam
What is your one indulgence? Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes
What is your biggest success? Hearing my four-year-old daughter talk about Jesus.
What are you reading right now?
Passporter’s Walt Disney World Guide by Jennifer Marx
The Anxious Christian by Rhett Smith
Winning With People by John Maxwell
What are your top three books (other than the Bible)?
Getting Things Done by David Allen
The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner
The Star Trek: The Next Generation by Larry Nemecek
What would you like to see Free Will Baptists do in the next five or ten years?
In the near future, I would like to see Free Will Baptists as the fastest growing Evangelical movement because of our commitment to evangelism and discipleship. I would like to see a larger movement of people who choose to be in the same association because we believe the same and love each other, even if we disagree about ministry styles.
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Mountains
Music or Talk Radio? Talk Radio
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Facebook, Email, twitter, or texting? Facebook
Mac or PC? PC
Socks or house shoes? Socks