June-July 2013
God's Hands

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Author’s Note: One purpose of the Leader Profile column is to highlight leaders not normally recognized. Until now, I have never written about anyone currently employed by any national agency and do not plan on making it a habit, although many agency leaders meet the definition of a servant leader and would be worthy profiles.
Brandon Roysden
People can lead without titles or positions. Often, leaders emerge from a series of life events. In Brandon’s case, it started with a strong spiritual foundation as a pastor’s kid in East Tennessee and Kentucky.
While at Welch College, Dr. Darrell Holley convinced Brandon to pursue a major in education and English. A benign question from Dr. Holley proved prophetic when he asked Brandon, “Do you ever see yourself in administration, helping other teachers and leaders?” That question never left Brandon’s mind.
After graduation, Brandon went on to teach English, Bible, speech, creative writing, and coach both basketball and baseball for five and a half years at Pleasant View Christian School. During this time, Brandon completed his Masters in Educational Leadership. All these events, combined with a window of opportunity he was not seeking, landed him as director of events at Randall House, a newly-formed position.
God gave Brandon a passion for education and prepared him to be used in the education and spiritual formation of believers. He thinks “big picture” while analyzing small details. When asked what he hopes to bring to this position Brandon replied, “I want to help Randall House be a source of education and encouragement for ministry leaders and laymen by providing resources for personal growth as well as discipleship resources for churches and other ministry organizations.”
In his role, Brandon will direct all events, including the National Youth Conference where over 4,000 people come together each July for worship, training, and service projects. Brandon will also help lead the D6 Conference, now located in both Dallas and Louisville. Brandon’s educational background and leadership intersect well in a role designed for leading in generational discipleship.
Brandon, You are a great leader!
What’s the ideal date for you and Beth? Beth and I share friendship as a foundation for our marriage. We enjoy dinner and exploring places where we can share moments interacting. Recently we visited Antique Archeology, the shop run by American Pickers here in Nashville.
What are you reading right now?
The Five Dysfunctions of the Team by Patrick Lencioni
Who is your favorite author? Robert Herrick (a poet)
How would others describe your leadership style? They see me with high expectations of myself, and as someone who pushes and expects a lot from others, but works very hard alongside everyone else.
Why are you Free Will Baptist? I was born Free Will Baptist but grew to love our dedication, biblical scholarship, missional commitment, and emphasis on discipleship. We have the opportunity to display an example of God working through us collectively in more powerful ways than we can do individually.
Tell me your kids’ names and a one-word descriptor for each.
Ethan (age 3 1/2) – Energetic
Kate (9 months) - Observant
What is your one indulgence? Dr. Pepper
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Mountains
Music or Talk Radio? Talk Radio
Coke or Pepsi? Dr. Pepper
Email or Texting? Email
Mac or PC? After a long explanation and trying to please his boss – Mac
Socks or house shoes? Socks
Leader Profile is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Learn more at www.randallhouse.com.