September 2012
Faith, Family &

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Terry Pierce
Terry Pierce describes his calling as pastor as a “burning passion to do God’s will and compel others to do the same.”
The characteristic most evident during this interview with Terry was his love for God as demonstrated by his prayer time. Terry credits Vernon Barker with teaching him how to have a “life-long love affair with the heavenly Father.”
Terry and his wife Belyn have three boys, two in college and one in high school. Terry pastors Tupelo FWB Church in Mississippi, and for the past 11 years witnessed God’s blessing through the challenges and rewards of growth.
Terry’s dad served as a deacon at Waltonville FWB Church where his mom taught Sunday School and served as church treasurer. After studying business at Free Will Baptist Bible College, God’s call directed Terry’s leadership and business mindset to complement ministry through planning and organization.
The Tupelo Church cares deeply about people who need Christ. Terry and his staff teach local and global outreach. The congregation supports evangelism in Cuba and actively reaches people in their own community. The church provides an annual Easter egg hunt for over 3,000 people in the community every year. Terry’s church attracts people with “hiccups and hurts” who appreciate an authentic pastor presenting grace and forgiveness.
Quick Facts About Terry
Describe an ideal date for you and Belyn.
“Dinner and a movie…or a ball game, especially if we can drive to Memphis and watch the Lakers play.”
What is your biggest shortcoming in your leadership style?
“When the kids were small, I did not slow down to enjoy family and life and felt the biblical conviction that ministry success without family success would be empty. Since early in my ministry, family has been my priority, which results in ministry likewise benefitting from this example.”
What is your one indulgence?
“Hot fresh Krispy Kreme donut with ice cream on it.”
What are the top three books you have ever read (other than the Bible)?
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Quest for Truth by Leroy Forlines
What are you reading right now?
Evangelism Is…How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence by Early and Wheeler
Preaching that Changes Lives by Fabarez and MacArthur
Conformed to His Image, Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation by Kenneth Boa
Tell me your kids’ names and a one-word descriptor for each.
Aaron (21) – Passionate
Andrew (19) – Expressive
Adam (15) – Easy-going
Paper or Plastic Questions
>> Mountains or Ocean? Ocean
>> Music or Talk Radio? Music
>> Coke or Pepsi? Sprite
>> Email or Texting? Both
>> Mac or PC? PC
>> Socks or house shoes? Bare feet
Leader Profile is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Learn more at www.randallhouse.com.