June-July 2012
Ordinary People

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Chris Truett
Can’t explain it? Then it must be God doing it.
When asked what he hopes to see happen at Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Kinston, North Carolina, Chris responded with, “I want to see something happen that can’t be explained other than knowing God is moving.”
Leadership allows God’s agenda to replace ours. Chris noted one instance of God working in an unexplained manner. His pastor, Archie Ratliff, recently challenged the congregation to raise $100,000 before the World Mission Offering to assist International Missions through a tough year. At the time of writing, the congregation had already raised an amazing $96,000 with a month still to go.
Chris serves as associate pastor and minister of music at Bethel, and his wife Kim serves as music director at Bethel Christian Academy. Chris previously served at Unity FWB Church under Pastor Jeff Manning prior to coming to Bethel 15 years ago. He felt the call to full time ministry in middle school but settled it with God as a junior in high school when he publicly announced his calling during a revival with Doug Little. Chris confirmed and developed his calling as a participant in the Truth and Peace Leadership Conference, a ministry of Randall House. He attributes all of this to the godly influence of his parents, the late Sam and Anne Truett.
When discussing his morning quiet time, Chris described a pretty detailed regimen and quickly added that both he and his family could tell when his devotional time was not his priority, because it is the time where God does everything in his life. While using other resources in his quiet time, Chris quoted Dr. Worthington who said, “Don’t just read books about the Book, read the Book!” Chris reads several Psalms daily, a Proverb, and a chapter from the Pastoral Epistles before continuing a topical study and ending by reading a leadership article or blog.
Describe an ideal date for you and Kim.
“We love to drive to New Bern, about 40 miles away, and have dinner on the waterway. The drive creates ideal times to talk and share.”
What are the top three books you have ever read (other than the Bible)?
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin
Engaging With God by David Peterson
What are you reading right now?
It by Craig Groeschel
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Twenty-One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
What is your biggest shortcoming in your leadership style?
“For those who knew the severe challenges my mom faced medically with artificial hands, knees, and hips, I have very little compassion for people who have milder challenges, but I have to realize they are very real challenges.”
Tell me your kids’ names and a one-word description for each.
Hunter (15) – Steady
Jonathan (12) – Passionate
Easton (7) – Energetic
What is your greatest success to this point?
“Greatest leadership success to this point in my life is my family. My wife and three boys are the most important people I lead. They are what drives me every day to submit to Him. I want to be a Godly husband and daddy more than anything else. I want to be a D6 Dad!
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Ocean
Music or Talk Radio? Talk Radio (Remember this is a music minister)
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi (NC is the birthplace of Pepsi)
Email or Texting? Yes, but prefer emails
Mac or PC? PC
Socks or house shoes? Socks
Chris, you are a great leader!
Leader Profile is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Learn more at www.randallhouse.com.