November 2011
Shift: A Change of Direction

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Jeff Cates, Canyon, Texas
The last issue featured a leader in New York, but this leader finds himself in completely different setting…the Texas Panhandle. Scripture often describes Jesus meeting people at the point of their needs. He often did the extravagant, from feeding the crowd or healing the lame, but every action served as a way to bring glory to God while forming a connection to the people He served.
Jeff Cates is following this example in Canyon, Texas, located on the outskirts of Amarillo. He is connecting to people through methods centered on the Texan way of life, building a church that is uniquely Texan. For example: rather than building a gymnasium, The Canyon Country Church built an arena where the church hosts team horse training and play days where local kids enjoy their horses, their families, and great moments together.
Jeff’s no-nonsense approach meets people where they are and shares the gospel without apology. The Texans are thankful for his refreshing approach to ministry and respect this cowboy preacher for his work ethic, his love for families, and for preaching God’s Word. Born in Colorado, Jeff lived for many years in Missouri before he and Sondra (his wife of 29 years) hung their hats in Canyon.
With both daughters married and serving God, Jeff and Sondra enjoy the “pursuit of each other” (His words exactly) while enjoying an empty nest. Jeff emphasizes the importance of future generations serving God. Jeff is praying that the church plant will equip future generations to grow in their walk for Christ. Jeff, you are a great leader!
Describe your quiet time.
Jeff often climbs on his horse for a ride to think, pray, and listen to God. He spends his late nights in the Word studying and praying.
What is the goal of your church?
To reach families not touched by the gospel through a comfortable setting that makes it easier for families to belong. In time, each new believer sees the church as more than a rodeo arena but a place to “climb up on” God’s Word to lead them through life’s pastures.
Describe an ideal date for you and Sondra.
Going to Sonic (They enjoyed their first date at the drive-in restaurant at age 16, and it has been their favorite since).
What is your biggest failure?
"Arguing with God about the call on my life for two years and trying to fill the void inside me with toys and distractions."
What is your one indulgence?
Horses, handmade tack, and saddles.
What are the top three books you have read (other than the Bible)?
Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey
The Samson Syndrome by Mark Atteberry
Western Horseman magazine.
Favorite Authors?
Peter Hathaway Capstick
Baxter Black
Philip Yancey
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Mountains
Music or Talk Radio? Music
Coke or Pepsi? Tea!
Email or Texting? Texting
Mac or PC? PC