September 2011
About ONE

Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Tim York, Buffalo, New York
Imagine being in downtown New York City on September
11, 2001. You feel the ground rumble and see people
running for safety. You head out into the streets to see what
is happening, and all you find is chaos. You rush up to the
nearest firefighter to get directions, and you see the urgency
on his face. You see his lips moving, but you can’t hear
what is being said because you are deaf. Who will communicate
with you to give you directions?
In the Buffalo, New York, area 70,000 deaf people need
spiritual direction for matters of far greater urgency than any
terrorist attack. Tim and Amanda York felt God calling them
to start not one but two churches in the Buffalo area—one
typical church, and one entirely for deaf people. Amanda is
a gifted signer, and together they will begin the first deaf
Free Will Baptist church.
Tim, originally from Kentucky and raised by godly parents,
felt called to preach at age 12. When asked why he
felt God called him, he quickly responded, “Being aware of
God’s universal plan for evangelizing the world, recognizing
my personal responsibility in achieving the Great Commission,
and having established a slave mentality toward
Christ created a recipe for God to place His call upon my
Tim holds an M.A.R. in evangelism and church planting
and an M.R.E. in discipleship. But his calling and passion
to step out in unique ways are what make him a leader.
Leaders don’t move in large packs. They launch out ahead
of others where they must go, not where people think they
should go. Tim York, you are a great leader!
More About Tim
What are the top three books you
have read (other than the Bible)?
The Unexpected Journey by Thom Rainer
The Vanishing Conscience by
John F. MacArthur
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
What is your one indulgence?
Starbucks coffee
Describe your quiet time.
Personal Bible study of specific
book or topic and the reading of
a Psalm and Proverb daily mixed
with listening to podcasts of
great sermons.
What gifts and talents do you feel
God has given you?
American Sign Language (ASL),
administration, discipleship,
teaching, creative design, and
playing stringed instruments.
Describe an ideal date for you and
I love spontaneous dates ranging
from putt-putt, to sharing a
hotdog at farm-league baseball
team. Once a year we save our
money to go to a UK basketball
game and cheer until we are
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean? Ocean
Music or Talk Radio?
Talk Radio
Coke or Pepsi?
Email or Texting?
Mac or PC?
Do they still make PCs?