April-May 2010
Moved by Compassion: A Heart for World Missions
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders shows a diverse combination of traits, but impacting lives is always a common theme.
Leader Profile
Tommy Swindol, Michigan
Tommy serves Kirby Free Will Baptist Church. He is among the finest youth ministers in our denomination. His ability to communicate the Word shows his close walk and selfless attitude. His ability is surpassed only by his humility. I recently observed Tommy through the ministry of some of his youth who led worship at all the services of the Michigan State meeting. They did an awesome job and conveyed the humble spirit of confidence in God.
Tommy grew up in Mississippi attending Tupelo Free Will Baptist Church with his parents. Even though he had a full-ride track and field scholarship from Ole Miss, God had other plans for his life and the lives of numerous people he would impact as a result of saying no to Ole Miss and yes to pursuing ministry by attending Free Will Baptist Bible College.
Tommy married Jessica who started out as his best friend and the relationship grew from there. Their two girls, like many siblings, are polar opposites with Anna Claire being most particular and Emily who is a rough-and-tumble kind of girl.
Tommy mentors quite a number of youth pastors. His maturity and spiritual depth far exceed his chronological age. His desire is to see people recognize and respond to God’s wholehearted devotion so that it will propel them to wholehearted devotion toward Him.
Tommy Swindol, you are a great leader!
Quiet time routine:
First thing most mornings when he gets to the office because he relies on that counsel for the rest of the day. He sticks to certain books reading them over again. Currently, he is studying Romans.
Ideal date for you and your wife:
Dinner and a trip to Borders Bookstore. They prefer a place where they can interact, laugh, and cut up rather than just sit quietly together.
Tommy’s kids and one-word descriptors:
Anna Claire (5) Quirky-Princess
Emily (3) Bulldog
Favorite books:
The Knowledge of the Holy – A. W. Tozer
And the Shofar Blew – Francine Rivers
Simple Church – Thom Rainer
Biggest failure:
Neglecting his family during his
first year of ministry. His wife, his “wisest counsel and best friend”
helped him see it and make the
needed adjustments for a
successful family and ministry.
Talents used in ministry:
Tommy is a captivating communicator and loves sharing the word from the stage or standing in line at the store.
Leadership Profile is a regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications that features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.