Leader profile
Will Harmon, Ft. Smith, Arkansas
A regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications, Leader Profile features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are always the same. Leaders influence behavior
and make a difference in other people’s lives. Profiling leaders shows a variety and diverse combination of
traits and characteristics, but impacting lives is always a common theme.
Will Harmon is a leader’s leader. Two hundred words cannot do justice to his accomplishments, many of which were behind the scenes. Born in Midland Texas, the Texan in him shows up in his mannerisms, the vastness of his vision, and the enormity of his heart. Called to preach at age 12 under Carl Cheshier’s ministry, Will never had any aspirations to another profession.
He and his wife Angie, who currently leads worship, sometimes send the kids to the grandparents and hop on his Harley for date night and a romantic dinner. Will describes their three daughters Whitney (20), Callie (12), and Zane (9) as the drama queen, intense, and the sports freak.
Will served as chairman of the Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College Board, served on the board of directors for Randall House, and has pastored Cavanaugh Free Will Baptist Church for more than 12 years. Will Harmon has led numerous organizations to new heights of success and yet balanced his personal and family life. Will Harmon you are a great leader!
Quiet Time Routine
Will spends an hour a day reading his Bible and journaling of how God is speaking. He said, “It’s not too tough to spend an hour when you desire and want it.”
Biggest Success
Apart from serving his church and denomination, Will has “been faithful to his call and has not dishonored the Lord by messing up.”
Favorite Books:
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Simple Church by Thom Rainer
Such A Little Secret by J. Wilson Barrett
Currently Reading:
Horse Tradin’, by Ben K. Green
Too Great a Temptation: The Seductive Power of America’s Super Church by Dr. Joel Gregory
One Indulgence
Cowboy Shooting (quick-fire single-action revolver, shotgun, and lever action) for competition.
Paper or Plastic Questions:
Mountains or Ocean: Mountains
Music or talk radio: Music
Coke or Pepsi: Cherry Coke
Email or texting: Texting
Socks or house shoes: Flip-Flops
Mac or PC: Mac