Leader profile
Joe Grizzle, Norman, Oklahoma
A regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications, Leader Profile features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are always the same. Leaders influence behavior
and make a difference in other people’s lives. Profiling leaders shows a variety and diverse combination of
traits and characteristics, but impacting lives is always a common theme.
Norman, Oklahoma is serious about football, and Joe Grizzle is serious about his role as a pastor. Joe felt the call to preach around age 11. His pastor Wade Jernigan arranged for him to preach after he announced his call and before long, at age nineteen, Joe started a church.
The church grew to an average attendance of 130 in just six years while Joe worked two jobs, one as a pastor and the other as an electrical contractor. During this time his family grew as well. He married Billie Jo and they had two children, Rick and Christine. He says it was tenacity and toughness (two traits he learned from Pastor Wade) that kept him going in those early years.
Joe began his college studies at Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College but missing the pulpit, he left to pastor in Norman. Thirty-two years later, he still pastors the same church, and he is still a student of preaching. Joe’s ability to communicate and preach the word in memorable ways has made CrossPointe FWB Church a place where people find hope through Christ.
When asked what barriers he has overcome to continue being effective, Joe replied, “I have continued to change my style of preaching using the tools available today to best communicate to people.” He went on to say, “If ministers do not transition today, they will lose out and fail to connect with the people.” Joe never compromises the content of the Word as he works very hard each week on the manner of the delivery.
About Joe
Quiet Time Routine: Joe changes his quiet time routine regularly. His quiet time is at night. For 30-45 minutes each night, he often prays through the Psalms or calls out each name in the church directory. Most times, he sits under the stars in his hot tub reading his Bible and praying.
Ideal date: Married for 46 years, Joe and Billie Jo have always carved out time every day to spend time together. When the kids were young, it was right after they were dropped off to school. Now he and Billie Jo do lunch together every day. Once a year they do a mini honeymoon often times for just a night away.
Favorite books: Any book of sermons or about sermons and how to communicate better.
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or ocean: Mountains
Music or talk radio: music
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Email or texting: Email
Socks or house shoes: Socks
Mac or PC: Mac
Joe and His wife grew up in Norman and in church. While Joe may regret never finishing college, what he has learned has transformed him into a professor and mentor for many other pastors. Joe recently challenged other leaders and parents from all over the world at the D6 Conference.
Joe Grizzle you are a great leader!